Around the Church
July 30, 2014
Sharon (Morning Sun, Iowa) RPC Greg Stiner, pastor Our pastor has completed a series of sermons on how each book of the Bible points to our Savior. ...
News from or about individual RP congregations, typically from Around the Church section in the print magazine.
July 30, 2014
Sharon (Morning Sun, Iowa) RPC Greg Stiner, pastor Our pastor has completed a series of sermons on how each book of the Bible points to our Savior. ...
June 02, 2014
What would you guess is the largest unreached people group in the world? Muslims? The Chinese? Would you be surprised to learn that it is the ...
June 02, 2014
One person’s junk is another person’s treasure, right? At least that’s what we are hoping for at our church’s annual rummage sale. Every year, ...
June 02, 2014
How many people attend your church?” When someone asks that, I’m always confused about how to respond. Conservatively, I can testify that we ...
June 02, 2014
Births Edmonds, Klara Jane, Apr. 9, to Daniel and Roseann Edmonds. Joins brother James. Grandparents are Ralph and Dawn McKelvy and Rex and Joetta ...
June 02, 2014
Hetherton, Mich., RPC Ray Morton, stated supply In keeping with the spirit of the season and to promote the life of the Hetherton RP Church, ...
March 01, 2014
Winchester, Kan., RPC Kyle Borg, pastor The Winchester RPC was blessed with John Tweed serving as session moderator and filling our vacant pulpit ...
March 01, 2014
Births Bloom, Jonah Stephen, Oct. 7, to Nick and Theresa Bloom. Grandparents are Tony and Natalie Gazo of Trinity (Beltsville, Md.) RPC. (Eastvale ...
February 01, 2014
Manhattan, Kan., RPC Jonathan Haney, Pastor On Dec. 11, an excited buzz filled Pottorff Hall on the fairgrounds of Manhattan, Kan. It wasn’t a ...
December 01, 2013
The Hudson/St. Lazare Reformed Presbyterian Church has never been financially self-sustaining and is now dealing with the departure of its pastor. ...
December 01, 2013
The 2013 Iowa International Family Camp was a time of learning about the coming of the king in Matthew’s gospel. Pastor Andy McCracken reminded ...
December 01, 2013
Title: Brief Notes, Dec. 2013 Date: Dec. 1, 2013 Births Blackwood, Elsie Jeralyn, Oct. 16, to Zachary and Flo Blackwood. Grandparents are David and ...
October 01, 2013
Ward, William L., born Dec. 10, 1947, to Harold and Margaret Elizabeth (Beth) McMillian Ward. He died surrounded by his family on Mar. 1, 2013. He ...
October 01, 2013
Births Cosens, Grace Katherine, Aug. 3, to Eric and Rachel Cosens. Joins brother Nathaniel and sisters Natalie, Ariel, Alyssa, Liberty, and ...
July 01, 2013
Donald H. Mullinnix, 82, a member of the Rose Point (New Castle, Pa.) RPC passed into glory Nov. 3 at his home in Indianapolis, Ind., after a long ...
July 01, 2013
Births Blevins, Ezekiel Marshall, May 28, 8 lbs. 9 oz. and 21 inches long, to Roger and Trisha Blevins. (College Hill [Beaver Falls, Pa.] ...
May 01, 2013
The winner of the “Dean Smith Ascent to Glory Knockout Contest,” Scott Stewart (junior business major from Manhattan, Kan., RPC) is flanked by ...
May 01, 2013
In Memoriam David Patterson Funeral services for David Patterson, 76, of Clarinda, Iowa, who entered into peace Wed., Jan., 30, 2013, at Research ...
May 01, 2013
Births Allyn, Levi Renwick, Nov. 2, to Joe and Maggie Allyn. Joins brother, Judah. Joe is currently attending the Reformed Presbyterian Theological ...
May 01, 2013
Hebron, Kan., RPC Ron Graham, Pastor The Hebron RPC has enjoyed Kansas State University students worshiping with us for nearly 20 years. It started ...
Location: Elkins Park, Pa. Presbytery: Atlantic Organization: 1851 Membership: 53 communicant; 23 baptized Pastor: John Edgar Website: ...
The work of the Home Mission Board is often understood as just assisting presbyteries in the work of church planting. While this is one of the primary ...
I made my way past Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and down Chandler Street. The smell of fresh corn dogs, tamales, and beer settled with the fading ...
If you go to our website, receive a newsletter, or visit us on social media, you may have noticed the new logo for the Reformed Presbyterian ...