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Iowa Family Camp

   | News, Congregational News | December 01, 2013

The 2013 Iowa International Family Camp was a time of learning about the coming of the king in Matthew’s gospel. Pastor Andy McCracken reminded campers that Christ’s kingship is here and now, and we that should pray that the kingdom of Christ would become more and more visible.

Good food was enjoyed under the Old Oak Tree at most meal times. The meals were prepared by ladies from Clarinda, Iowa, RPC, along with a male helper or two.

A number of campers were able to scale the rock-climbing wall to the ceiling. Others made it down the Skunk River without capsizing, and still others braved the infamous over-the-cliff waterslide.

Tuesday evening was spent enjoying a New Song concert. Featured were a serenade to Mike and Lana Todd, who were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary, and the ever-popular song “Freedom,” during which the current New Song members were joined by five former members. Wednesday evening was filled by playing giant table games including Jenga, Checkers, Trouble, Pick-up Sticks, Chinese Checkers, and Angry Birds. Following tradition, the final evening was spent enjoying the talents and humor of fellow campers.

The nights officially concluded with silly songs followed by psalms and devotions. Scottish intern, Craig Scott, delivered devotions focusing on Scottish martyrs and what we can learn from them.

Amidst all the activities, campers were able to deepen their relationships with God and with each other.

The last night is rumored to have included “noodle” races with the cooks in the pool. Thankfully, no pasta was served the following day.

The talks by Pastor McCracken may be heard by visiting, scrolling down to the blackboard, and clicking on “lectures.” Join the camp next year, July 28–Aug. 1, as Pastor Greg Stiner teaches from God’s Word.

Nancy Skubal