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Prayer Calendar

Here's how you can be praying for the Reformed Presbyterian Church every day this month. Does your church have something we can pray for? Email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

Today's Prayer Item

June 29. Pray the Lord would encourage the people of Hope Community (Beaver Falls, Pa.) RPC, that as they are reminded of their deep need for Christ and are reminded of His promises, they would be ready to share Him with those around them.

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June 2024 Prayer Calendar

June 1. Please pray for the RP Global Missions (RPGM) short-term trips that are underway and the ones that will be kicking off later this summer.

June 2. Give thanks for new babies and little children at Belle Center, Ohio, RPC. Pray that God would apply His promise in Genesis 17:7 to be the God of His people and their offspring.

June 3. Praise God for providing Hetherton (Johannesburg, Mich.) RPC with additional provisional elders. Pray for wisdom for the session during a time of transition.

June 4. Ridgefield Park, N.J., RPC is scheduled to reach out to the local community as the village’s Fourth of July parade passes by its front door today. Pray that the Lord would bless their efforts.

June 5. Pray for First (Cambridge, Mass.) RPC’s session and give thanks for God adding two men to the office of elder. Pray for their transition and for their families.

June 6. Pray for Eastvale (Beaver Falls, Pa.) RPC as they seek to elect additional elders and deacons.

June 7. Pray that the Holy Spirit would comfort members and friends of Syracuse, N.Y., RPC whose loved ones have recently died.

June 8. Give thanks to God for a good financial year for Terre Haute, Ind., RPC.

June 9. Please pray for the upcoming NeXtSteps class, that God would be raising up individuals and couples who are eager to begin training for foreign missions.

June 10. Pray with Hope Community (Beaver Falls, Pa.) RPC that the love of God would strengthen and encourage Pastor George Gregory (along with his wife, Danielle, and 7 kids) as he remotely pursues the doctoral program at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. Pray as they minister to Hope Community RPC, that God would grant them strength and wisdom.

June 11. Pray for Rose Point (New Castle, Pa.) RPC as they have had several saints go to be with the Lord this year. The congregation rejoices in their homegoing, but their loss is felt immensely.

June 12. Praise God for new communicant members of Elkins Park, Pa., RPC: Abigail Edgar, Nathaniel Jessop, and Noah Woods.

June 13. Pray for Fresno, Calif., RPC as they’ve had to deal with structural unsoundness in their building, resulting in a need for alternate meeting places. Pray that God’s guidance would be clear for decisions and during transitions.

June 14. Please pray for the growth of Elkins Park, Pa., RPC.

June 15. Pray that the Lord will help RP Global Missions Short-Term realize their goals in the lives of those who go on trips.

June 16. Please pray that, whenever a form of church discipline is needed at Belle Center, Ohio, RPC, that God would use it to bring repentance.

June 17. Give thanks with First (Cambridge, Mass.) RPC for Tom Fisher’s 30 years of service as an elder in their congregation and the many ways in which he has also served the presbytery and Synod.

June 18. Pray for the young children of Eastvale (Beaver Falls, Pa.) RPC to grow in Christ.

June 19. Please pray that the Lord would raise up one or two deacons in Sycamore (Kokomo, Ind.) RPC to help with the ministry of mercy and caring for the aging church building.

June 20. Pray with Syracuse, N.Y., RPC for unsaved loved ones, that they will be effectually called and truly justified and sanctified. Pray that Syracuse RPC presents a faithful and consistent testimony to a watching world.

June 21. Give thanks to God for stable membership at Terre Haute, Ind., RPC.

June 22. Please pray for the upcoming Ambassadors for Christ class, that God would be raising up individuals and couples to be eager to train for cross-cultural ministry in their hometowns.

June 23. Pray the love of God would strengthen and encourage the elders and deacons of Hope Community (Beaver Falls, Pa.) RPC as they minister to their church, granting them wisdom and faithfulness.

June 24. Pray for several families experiencing very difficult health issues at Topeka Kan., RPC. Pray that they would have wisdom and comfort.

June 25. Give thanks for the couples and families that have been attending worship services at Sharon (Morning Sun, Iowa) RPC. Some have no previous connection with Reformed theology. Some have joined as members.

June 26. Please pray for restoration of families at Elkins Park, Pa., RPC.

June 27. Please pray for the children of the Fresno, Calif., RPC, that they would be granted hearts that know, love, and trust Christ, and that God would grant them encouraging and faith-building relationships.

June 28. Please pray for rest in the households of parents with new babies at Elkins Park, Pa., RPC.

June 29. Pray the Lord would encourage the people of Hope Community (Beaver Falls, Pa.) RPC, that as they are reminded of their deep need for Christ and are reminded of His promises, they would be ready to share Him with those around them.

June 30. Terre Haute, Ind., RPC has plans for outreach efforts this year. Pray for their success for Christ’s kingdom and glory.