Keep Your Eyes on the Prize
Gordon Keddie | January/February 2020 Issue
Imprisoned in Rome and anticipating his death in the near future, the Apostle Paul offers his parting counsel to his younger colleague in 2 Timothy 4. ...
Gordon Keddie | January/February 2020 Issue
Imprisoned in Rome and anticipating his death in the near future, the Apostle Paul offers his parting counsel to his younger colleague in 2 Timothy 4. ...
Drew Gordon | July/August 2019 Issue
With anticipation and apprehension, I stepped onto a Greyhound bound for Harrisburg, Pa. Entrenched in work and social spheres that surrounded me with ...
John M. Mitchell | May/June 2019 Issue
The work of deacons is spiritual service as well as administrative. According to the RPCNA Constitution, the first duty of deacons is “to maintain ...
George Scipione | January/February 2019 Issue
How do you learn about God’s grace? Most often, you learn through reading the Bible or hearing it preached, but you also learn through godly people. ...
Jeff Kingswood | May/June 2018 Issue
On most weekdays during the school year, a group of older teens makes the Christian education wing of Grace Presbyterian Church in Woodstock, Ont., a ...
Caleb Nelson | March 30, 2018
Recently an online platform was created for Reformed/Presbyterian singles to meet: the NAPARC Singles Facebook group. Only adult, single NAPARC (North ...
Gordon J. Keddie | January/February 2018 Issue
In May, I sent the completed manuscript of my recent book, Prayers of the Bible, to our denominational publisher, Crown & Covenant Publications.1 ...
If God saved the chief of sinners (1 Tim. 1:15) and used him in mighty ways, can He not do the same with you? If the power of God is made perfect in ...
Tim McCracken | July/August 2017 Issue
Perhaps you know the refreshment of perceiving someone’s eagerness for growth in faith—perhaps that person has even asked you to come alongside ...
Gordon Keddie | May/June 2017 Issue
Now for a little while grace has been shown from the Lord our God… to give us a peg in His holy place (Ezra 9:8). It once fell to me to read ...
Aaron Sams and Gabriel Wingfield | March/April 2017 Issue
Anyone over 30 will remember a time when the household phone was attached to the wall, when messages between school friends were passed discreetly in ...
John M. Mitchell | September 16, 2016
For over 30 years, the RPCNA has benefited from the Cecil J. S. MacLaughlin Trust Fund. The income for 2015 from Mrs. MacLaughlin’s trust fund to ...
Terrill Curran | August 26, 2016
My husband and I came into the Reformed Presbyterian denomination by way of the Oswego, N.Y., RPC in 1985. Since that time, we have enjoyed several ...
John & Cindy Greene | May 13, 2016
How did your hospitality start? Our hospitality together began when we were members First Orthodox Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, Calif. Our ...
Jerri Faris | May 13, 2016
The disappearance of the Indiana University (IU) paddle had been a mystery for several years. Jenny, Dave Long’s beloved wife and ministry partner, ...
Herb & Patty McCracken, with Jake McCracken | March 02, 2016
Why do you think it’s important to honor the Lord’s Day by forgoing team and league sports—even if your children have committed to the ...
Venkatesh Gopalakrisnan | January 04, 2016
Venkatesh (Venky) and his wife, Sarmishta (Shammi), are members of Second Reformed Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis, Ind. They are from Bangalore, ...
Russ Pulliam | July 15, 2015
Tom and Rosemarie Mangan didn’t plan any war on poverty. They just love their 10 children, who otherwise might seem statistically destined for ...
Maria Rockhill | May 06, 2015
In A Comedy of Errors, William Shakespeare portrays the frustration of parents deceived by their twin children’s deliberate identity switching. As ...
June 02, 2014
What would you guess is the largest unreached people group in the world? Muslims? The Chinese? Would you be surprised to learn that it is the ...
Location: Elkins Park, Pa. Presbytery: Atlantic Organization: 1851 Membership: 53 communicant; 23 baptized Pastor: John Edgar Website: ...
The work of the Home Mission Board is often understood as just assisting presbyteries in the work of church planting. While this is one of the primary ...
I made my way past Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and down Chandler Street. The smell of fresh corn dogs, tamales, and beer settled with the fading ...
If you go to our website, receive a newsletter, or visit us on social media, you may have noticed the new logo for the Reformed Presbyterian ...