Congregation of the Month: Springs RPC
Location: Colorado Springs, Colo. Presbytery: Midwest Organization: 1981 Membership: 101 communicant; 56 baptized Pastor: Ed Blackwood Website: ...
The Reformed Presbyterian Witness seeks to inform, edify, unify, and encourage Reformed Presbyterians and those with an interest in the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA). The Witness has been the official magazine of the RPCNA since 1928, with its publication roots dating to 1884.
Reformed Presbyterian Witness
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Interested in writing an article or column for the RP Witness? Email a one-paragraph proposal and the name of your home congregation to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). If your article is approved for publication, we’ll send writer’s guidelines and further instructions. Note that the RP Witness only publishes Reformed Presbyterian writers, and remember that all articles should inform, edify, unify, and/or encourage Reformed Presbyterian readers. Since much of the space of the magazine is dedicated to regular themes, features, and columns, space for unsolicited articles is limited.
Location: Colorado Springs, Colo. Presbytery: Midwest Organization: 1981 Membership: 101 communicant; 56 baptized Pastor: Ed Blackwood Website: ...
This article is an excerpt from chapter 5 of God Breathed: Connecting through Scripture to God, Others, the Natural World, and Yourself. I will never ...
In the early years of the Witness, it was published weekly, and correspondents reported many small events in their congregations. Here are some news ...
Empowered Witness: Politics, Culture, and the Spiritual Mission of the Church Dr. Alan D. Strange | Crossway, 2024, 149 pages, $17.99 | Reviewed by ...