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The Mysterious Stranger

Bob Hemphill | May 10, 2021

Agency Features /  Publications 

Here is an excerpt from the newly released book in the Windmill Pete series by Rev. Bob Hemphill. This fiction series is “designed for adventurers ...

Cherishing Special Friends

Brad Johnston | March 05, 2021

Agency Features /  Disabilities Ministry 

Cherishing those who are developmentally or physically disabled is a critical mission of the church. In some circles we use related terms like ...

Not a Good Testimony?

Krista K. | March/April 2021 Issue


Bowie, Maryland I threw myself onto my bed and burst into tears. My dad had just announced that we would be moving to Papua New Guinea (PNG), a ...

Book Reviews

March/April 2021 Issue


Why does our modern military have combat helicopters named for the Comanche, Apache, and Kiowa? Who were they to be thus honored? They ...

In All Kinds of Places

Philip and Hélène Choinière-Shields | January/February 2021 Issue


This story begins and ends with a vision. The shortest psalm in the Bible, Psalm 117, reads: “Praise the Lord, all nations! Extol him, all peoples! ...

‘When Do We Go?’

Faith Martin and Charles McBurney | January/February 2021 Issue

Agency Features /  Publications 

This article is an excerpt from the first chapter of the new book The White Chief of Cache Creek (Crown & Covenant, 2020). The Wichita Mountains ...

Hindsight Is 2020

Vicki Smith | January/February 2021 Issue

Agency Features /  Home Missions 

As we look back at 2020, we can struggle to find an attitude of thankfulness in the midst of the experiences that blindsided us last year. From a ...

Christian Counsel

November 23, 2020


Pastor Jay E. Adams (1929–2020) spent most of his life in pastoral, teaching, and counseling ministries. He taught homiletics, counseling, and ...

Book Reviews

November/December 2020 Issue


In this sequel to his best-selling Growing Up Amish, Ira Wagler unfolds his journey of faith in Christ after leaving the Amish church. He opens his ...