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Going Fishing

September/October 2019 Issue

Theme Articles 

Fishing requires intentionality. You must leave the house, take the right equipment, go to the water, find the right spot, cast the line or net, and ...

Covenanters in America

William J. Edgar | September/October 2019 Issue

Agency Features /  Publications 

The following is an excerpt from William J. Edgar’s book History of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (1871–1920). Says the ...

The Woman on the Bus

Drew Gordon | July/August 2019 Issue

Christian Living 

With anticipation and apprehension, I stepped onto a Greyhound bound for Harrisburg, Pa. Entrenched in work and social spheres that surrounded me with ...

Synod Day 3: Hard Work and Good News

Drew Gordon | June 14, 2019

Agency Features /  Synod /  News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

In the final joint session of these concurrent synods, Pastor Shawn Anderson (Sycamore [Kokomo, Ind.] RPC) preached on John 17:1-5 and the manner of ...

Synod Day 2: Of Committees and Workshops

Drew Gordon | June 12, 2019

Agency Features /  Synod /  News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

The RPCNA Synod began its day with a joint worship service with the ARP Synod. Pastor Gabriel Fluhrer (First ARP, Columbia, S.C.) spoke on the text, ...

Synod Day 1: “Beside the Beaver Vale”

Drew Gordon | June 11, 2019

Agency Features /  Synod /  News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

At 8:40 a.m. retiring moderator (and recently retired pastor) Bruce Martin dropped the gavel on the 188th Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of ...