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Pre-Synod Conference on Psalmody

Drew Gordon | June 10, 2019

Agency Features /  Synod /  News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

On the eve of the concurrent synods of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church and the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, ...

Faithfulness and Fruitfulness

Adam Kuehner and Craig Scott | May/June 2019 Issue


There is a common saying in Reformed circles that goes something like this: “We are called to faithfulness, not fruitfulness.” There is some truth ...

RPCNA Disabilities Ministry

Martin Blocki | May/June 2019 Issue

Agency Features /  Disabilities Ministry /  News /  Denominational News 

In 1993 the Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America asked the Reformed Presbyterian Woman’s Association (RPWA) to oversee a ...

Mercy Great

Lori McCracken | May/June 2019 Issue


I’m not known for decisiveness, hence my moniker (aptly and lovingly assigned): Our Lady of the Options. Upon receiving a request for a written ...

The Immigrant and Us

Mark England | March/April 2019 Issue

Theme Articles 

The history of the human race is a history of movement. God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth (Gen. 1:28). Sometimes ...

Hitting the Streets

Adam Kuehner with Craig Scott | March/April 2019 Issue

Theme Articles /  Series 

The world is in a state of crisis. Politically, economically, morally, and spiritually, there can be no doubt that man’s best efforts to create a ...

God, Show Yourself to Me

Linda Au Parker | March/April 2019 Issue


It came as a shock to the system—being raised in an unchurched family with only vague memories of a few vacation Bible school classes, then finding ...

Why Geneva? Why Now?

Emily Walker | March/April 2019 Issue

Agency Features /  Geneva College 

Attending the only Reformed Presbyterian college in the world comes with its blessings and challenges. Misconceptions regarding the Geneva College ...

Open-Air Preaching

Craig Scott and Adam Kuehner | January/February 2019 Issue


If there is one déjà vu moment that makes every street preacher cringe, it is encountering a professing Christian on the street who strongly objects ...

Puzzle to Picture

Derek Moore | January/February 2019 Issue


I thought I would be able to come up with a reasonably coherent essay to explain my life and faith in Christ, but I was wrong. My search through my ...