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Introducing RP Global Missions’ Newest Missionaries

Names: Zach, Beth, and Isaiah Smith

Field: South Sudan

Home Congregation: Second (Indianapolis, Ind.) RPC

Zach’s story in a nutshell

I was blessed to be raised in a covenant home in Lisbon, N.Y. I was a mischievous child—goes along with my red hair! In high school, I began to seriously follow the Lord. After high school, I sensed a call to ministry that motivated me to attend college to study industrial and construction management (as a tent-making skill) with the goal of seminary. After graduating college and meeting my wife, I moved to Indianapolis to work as a project manager and later moved to Pittsburgh, Pa., to complete my MDiv degree in May 2019.

Beth’s story in a nutshell

I was raised in Indianapolis, the only girl among a bunch of brothers; and my parents taught us about Christ from the earliest age. The Lord graciously drew me to Himself, working in the heart of a “good girl” filled with self-righteousness. In college, I studied communications/writing and the Lord began to ignite the missions flame. I completed my master’s degree in TESOL and began teaching international college students. Then the Lord brought Zach, whose heart beat so similarly to mine for the nations. We were married in Sept. 2014.

Why missions?

For both of us, it was short-term experiences and long-term prayer that clarified God’s leading and sparked a desire to use our gifts on the foreign mission field. Working with local international students and refugees increased that desire to see the gospel going forth to the ends of the earth.

Why South Sudan?

Having spent time there as individuals and then as a family, we have had South Sudan close to our hearts for 10 years. We have held the “where” with an open hand, but when the pressing need for a teaching elder lined up with Zach’s RPTS graduation, we were excited to answer the call to serve the Dinka people and the precious church there.

What is the craziest thing you have ever eaten?

(Beth) It’s a toss-up between live, wriggling oysters in Mexico or what I suspect was cow intestine delicacy in South Sudan.

(Zach) Chicken wings so hot I had to sign a liability waiver before I could eat them. Ouch!

How can the RP Witness readers pray for you?

Pray for our mental, spiritual, and physical preparations as we anticipate moving to South Sudan later this year. Pray for the continued growth and formation of a new team to join the existing members laboring already on the field. Pray for continued peace, confidence in the Lord, and joy as we embrace this calling.