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My Journey into Psalm Singing

November 05, 2014

Theme Articles /  Series 

I was not raised in a covenant home or in the Reformed tradition of psalm singing or catechizing. I was raised in an American Baptist congregation, ...

J.G. Vos’s Temperate View on Temperance

November 05, 2014

Gentle Reformation 

Beginning in the late 1930s, the RPCNA Synod began a debate regarding the relationship between the Christian and alcohol, a debate that led to a ...

In Memoriam: Dr. Robert Marshall More

November 05, 2014

News /  Congregational News 

Robert M. More was born in Kansas City, Mo., on June 27, 1935. He was the child of Robert and Alice (Braum) More. As a covenant child, he was baptized ...

In Darkness, the Psalms Shine

November 05, 2014


LifeFocus is a “one-week, live-in discipleship program training high school and college students to stand confidently for Christ in a hostile ...

God Renews Us in His Covenant Each Week

November 05, 2014

Learn & Live 

Once redeemed from Egypt, Israel was commanded by God through Moses, “Let them construct a sanctuary for Me, that I may dwell among them” (Exod. ...

Arranging the Psalter in Your Head and Heart

Brad Johnston | November 05, 2014

Theme Articles /  Series 

Because God so loved His people in all ages and nations, He gave us 150 God-breathed Psalms. It is a gracious and delightful provision that our Savior ...

Around the Church

November 05, 2014

News /  Congregational News 

Southside, Ind., RPC Southside (Indianapolis, Ind.) RPC marked Pastor Gordon Keddie’s retirement after 40 years of ministry with a celebration on ...

The World Needs a King

September 17, 2014


The nation of Iraq invades the nation of Kuwait; the world responds and restores Kuwait’s sovereignty. Nazi Germany invades Europe and North Africa; ...

For the Glory of God’s Holy Name

September 17, 2014

Interviews /  Testimonies 

This is the testimony of Tomoko Sakai, a member of Higashisuma RPC in Kobe, Japan, as related by Kumiko Kudo, a member of Kitasuzurandai Mission ...

Semester in Scotland

September 17, 2014

Agency Features /  Geneva College 

Geneva College offers an opportunity for students to experience a purposeful, caring environment, but this experience isn’t limited to the rolling ...

Messiah the Prince Revisited

September 17, 2014

Theme Articles 

Author’s introduction: This book is about Jesus’ dominion, which extends far beyond the church to encompass all people, all governments, all ...

Memories from the Genevans Tour in Southeast Asia

September 17, 2014

Agency Features /  Geneva College 

Geneva College’s student choir, The Genevans, completed a 21-day, 16-concert international tour of the Philippines and Malaysia this summer. ...

Love God and His Word!

September 17, 2014

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm Category: Individual meditations and praises Central Thought: The Bible is the book to be loved because its Author is to be loved Key Words: ...

Like Wrapping Thousands of Gifts

September 17, 2014

Agency Features /  Publications 

Lois Claerbaut remembers that, when she was interviewed for the shipping clerk position, she was asked if she could commit to 9 months. That was 15 ...

Jesus Christ Paid Our Dues

September 17, 2014

Learn & Live 

Genesis 15:6 is clear: After hearing the promise of God, Abraham “believed the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness.” The Apostle Paul ...

Beyond Survival

September 17, 2014


We kept milk out in the snow because we didn’t have a refrigerator, heated our trailer by keeping the oven door open all night, went to the ...

At the Crossroads, Turn Right

September 17, 2014

Congregation of the Month 

Tri-Lakes RPC Location: Monument, Colo. Organized: Dec. 15, 2013 Members: 36 communicant; 13 baptized Pastor: Alex Tabaka Web: ...

Around the Church

September 17, 2014

News /  Congregational News 

Calgary, Alberta, RP Mission Work Daniel Kok, pastor On Saturday, Aug. 2, members of Shelter RP Church of Edmonton gathered in Morinville, Alberta, ...