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Calgary, Alberta, RP Mission Work
Daniel Kok, pastor
On Saturday, Aug. 2, members of Shelter RP Church of Edmonton gathered in Morinville, Alberta, to welcome and witness the reception of three families from Calgary into membership. Why would people from a city over three hours away purposely join themselves with these brothers and sisters from Edmonton?
By God’s providence, a new RP mission church is being formed in Calgary. The session of Shelter RPC oversees this work and expects it to be formalized at the fall meeting of St. Lawrence Presbytery. Three former RP families (Bonds, Changs, and de Waals), along with the Koks (a new RP pastor and his family), began worshiping together this summer as they looked to grow and increase Christ’s kingdom in the city.
Members looked on as the three families took their membership vows. Pastor Bob Hackett led the congregation in prayer, and Pastor Daniel Kok charged the assembly with a sermon on the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20), reminding them that Christ’s lordship is to be first in all that is said and done in His Church.
We thank Christ for His faithfulness in building His Church and pray for His protection, blessing, and promises to be fulfilled through us as we labor for His kingdom in western Canada.
Westminster, Colo., RPC
Shane Sapp, pastor
Derek Moore interned with us from May 25–June 23. He preached at Westminster RPC and at the other Front Range congregations. Jack and Marea Kettler were his hosts during his stay. Derrick and Clara Moore transferred their memberships into the RPCNA and to our congregation. Derek studied at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Miss., and is a chaplain in the U.S. Army. He hopes to be eligible for a pastoral call later this year.
From July 12-19 several individuals and families attended Horn Creek Family Camp near Westcliffe, Colo. On July 25, Midwest Presbytery and local families joined in Casper, Wyo., for the ordination and installation of Sam McCracken as pastor of the Casper church plant. Westminster families enjoyed hosting, feeding, and getting acquainted with the 13 young people who took part in the 2014 Theological Foundations Backpack (TFB) trip July 26 to Aug. 3. Preaching on each Lord’s Day and teaching on RP distinctives before and after the backpack trip were provided by Shane Sapp, Jason Ryce, Patrick McNeely, and Bob Hemphill.
Westminster elders and deacons also taught classes on the role of deacons, the role of elders, biblical finances, and discovering God’s will. The actual backpack trip was led by Pastor Sapp and Patrick McNeely, a student at Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary who served on the short-term mission team in Scotland this summer. Patrick shared his experiences and spoke of our Covenanter history before a psalm sing and ice cream social.
The Westminster women enjoyed a baby shower for Alison Wood on Aug. 8 in the home of Candis Hunter.
—Phyllis Wilson, correspondent
Stillwater, Okla., RPC
Bruce Parnell, pastor
The Stillwater congregation has begun meeting at Sangre Ridge Elementary School and is finding the new space helpful. The adult Sabbath school benefited from a series of studies led by the deacons, Logan West and Dan Yost, based on the book When Helping Hurts. Elder Alan Noell concluded a Sabbath school series on Deuteronomy. Currently, the class is viewing a video series called The Protestant Revolt, then discussing the content of the films with the help of various leaders.
Dan Yost organized travel to the Covenanter Youth (CY) retreats held in Midwest Presbytery. He and his wife, Stephanie, also hosted monthly meetings for the CY in their home. A weekly Covenant Kids meeting for younger children was led by the CY. Several of our high school students took part in training opportunities at the presbytery level. Connections with the Enid Reformed Church were maintained through pulpit exchanges and joint services, in addition to attendance at the annual Fourth of July picnic hosted by the Wagners.
Pastor Parnell preached through Jonah and Ecclesiastes and began a series of sermons on Ephesians. He also preached a series explaining why God became man. In the afternoon meetings, he taught a series based on the book The Disciplines of Grace by Jerry Bridges, then another series on the book Heaven by Randy Alcorn. The sacrament of the Lord’s supper was observed monthly. The women began meeting for prayer each month during the Sabbath school hour while the men listened to recorded sermons. Each week the congregation hosts a potluck fellowship luncheon between the morning and afternoon services.
The Stillwater session has been helping with the new works in Texas. Several people from that state have visited Stillwater RPC and attended the worship services, and several from Stillwater have visited the mission works in Dallas and Bryan, Tex.
—Elizabeth F. Noell, correspondent
Sterling, Kan., RPC
Joel Wood, pastor
On May 23, Pastor Wood became Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary’s first graduate from the Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling program. His doctoral project was The Counselor’s Counselors: Biblical/Nouthetic Counseling and Job. His wife, Emily, their 5 children, his parents (Rev. Bob and Gloria Wood), and his brother (Rev. Jeremy Wood) attended the commencement. Pastor Wood became certified by the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors on Aug. 7.
—Kim Hjerpe, correspondent