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Testimony: Starting on the Same Page

June 02, 2014


Bill and I met at a youth group roller skating party. His girlfriend introduced us but we got better acquainted about four years later during a ...

Reaching Out by Making New Friends

June 02, 2014

Christian Living /  News /  Congregational News 

What would you guess is the largest unreached people group in the world? Muslims? The Chinese? Would you be surprised to learn that it is the ...

Indiana Church Holds Annual Rummage Sale

June 02, 2014

News /  Congregational News 

One person’s junk is another person’s treasure, right? At least that’s what we are hoping for at our church’s annual rummage sale. Every year, ...

How Many People Attend My Church?

June 02, 2014

News /  Congregational News 

How many people attend your church?” When someone asks that, I’m always confused about how to respond. Conservatively, I can testify that we ...

God’s Kingdom Needs You!

June 02, 2014


This article is adapted from the charge to the congregation delivered at the ordination and installation of Kyle Borg as the pastor of the Winchester ...

Bringing Real Comfort to the Suffering

June 02, 2014

Series /  Devotionals 

I do not claim to be an expert on ministering to the suffering; it’s not even a strong suit of mine. This message is simply advice from an older ...

Briefnotes May/June 2014

June 02, 2014

News /  Congregational News 

Births Edmonds, Klara Jane, Apr. 9, to Daniel and Roseann Edmonds. Joins brother James. Grandparents are Ralph and Dawn McKelvy and Rex and Joetta ...

Boast in the Lord!

June 02, 2014

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm Category: Public praises to God Central Thought: Boast in the Lord! Key Words: Praise, nations, lovingkindess, truth Good things do, indeed, ...

Around the Church

June 02, 2014

News /  Congregational News 

Hetherton, Mich., RPC Ray Morton, stated supply In keeping with the spirit of the season and to promote the life of the Hetherton RP Church, ...

Analyzing a Sacred Story

Dennis J. Prutow | June 02, 2014

Learn & Live 

Here is a fascinating little story about Jesus. This story is another third-person narrative: God, the storyteller, is talking about Jesus and a man ...

A History of Faithfulness

June 01, 2014

Congregation of the Month 

Washington RPC Location: Washington, Iowa Organized: 1969 Members: 37 communicant, 10 baptized Pastor: Daniel Drost Website: ...

Large Survey Tracks Results of School Choice

March 01, 2014

Theme Articles 

Opinions abound about where to send your children to school, but hard data is in short supply. The release of the Cardus Education Survey in 2011 ...

What is Christian Education?

March 01, 2014

Theme Articles 

“Bright as is the manifestation which God gives both of Himself and His immortal kingdom in the mirror of His works, so great is our stupidity, so ...

Education in Grace

March 01, 2014

Theme Articles 

What surprised you most about the transition from teacher to administrator? They are two completely different jobs in the same environment. I thought ...

Education Is Never Neutral (Viewpoint)

March 01, 2014


Like you, I’ve continued learning long after my formal schooling was finished. One of the things I’ve learned a lot about is education itself. ...

Greetings from “The Shelter”

March 01, 2014

Congregation of the Month 

Shelter RPC Location: Edmonton, Alberta Members: 18 communicant; 19 baptized Organized: 2010 Pastor: Bob Hackett We aren’t the only church in ...

Everyday Sanctification

March 01, 2014


Telling of God’s grace in my life is as much about the present as it is about the past. However, I will start with a summary of my background. My ...

Eat, Pray, Love

March 01, 2014

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm 116 Psalm Category: Public praises to God Central Thought: What can I give to God for saving me? Keywords: death, Lord, call, thank, ...