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A Church Planters Weekend Retreat

September 17, 2014

Agency Features /  Home Missions /  News /  Denominational News 

How often do people consider the hard work of our church planters and their wives? Church planting is very tiring work, and it is stressful on many ...

The Promise of Suffering

August 01, 2014

Series /  Devotionals 

How do you respond when you are told you are going to suffer? A few weeks ago my doctor told me my PSA levels were a bit high. I made an appointment ...

With Your Children, Make Time for Books

August 01, 2014


When our children started their own families, one of them told me not to throw away the books we had read to them in their early years, that we would ...

Not with a Whimper But a Bang

August 01, 2014

Theme Articles /  Agency Features /  Synod 

Worship The 183rd meeting of the Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA) convened at 6:30 p.m. June 23 on the campus of ...

New Delegates at the 2014 Synod

August 01, 2014

Agency Features /  Synod 

Ten people attended this Synod for the first time as delegates. The Witness asked a few of those delegates to relate their experience by answering the ...

Making Disciples in Aweil

August 01, 2014

Agency Features /  Global Missions 

What are we doing?” is a question we have often asked ourselves as we serve in Aweil, South Sudan. However, it is really not a matter of what to do ...

In the Watermelon Capital of the World…

August 01, 2014

Congregation of the Month 

Pageland RP Mission Church Location: Pageland, S.C. Organized: October 2011 Presbytery:  Great Lakes-Gulf Members: 14 communicant; 5 ...

God’s Image and Homosexuality

Dennis J. Prutow | August 01, 2014

Learn & Live 

Understanding the images God gives us in Scripture is critical to how we address the issues of our time. Homosexuality and the drive to accept ...

For the Glory of Christ!

August 01, 2014

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm 118 Psalm Category: Public praises to God Central Thought: Christ leads us in His glory! Key words: distress, salvation, cornerstone This ...

East of Eden

August 01, 2014


This summer, I’ve been surprised that things have gone well with my garden. I don’t have a green thumb; I’m not well educated in horticulture; ...

Dr. Vos at Geneva

August 01, 2014

Agency Features /  Geneva College /  Gentle Reformation 

God’s covenant promise to parents results in amazing fruitfulness and blessing to His kingdom people. God used the heritage of Dr. J. G. Vos’ ...

Divine Intervention

August 01, 2014


One privilege of living 86 years is experiencing the hand of God directing my life and decisions in a variety of ways. There is not enough space here ...

Book Reviews

August 01, 2014


A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life, by Joel R. Beeke and Mark Jones, Reformation Heritage Books, 2012. 344 pp. Reviewed by Adam M. Kuehner. Samuel ...

Around the Church

July 30, 2014

News /  Congregational News 

Sharon (Morning Sun, Iowa) RPC Greg Stiner, pastor Our pastor has completed a series of sermons on how each book of the Bible points to our Savior. ...

Viewpoint: Kenneth G. Smith

June 21, 2014


Until the past couple of years, if you asked Reformed Presbyterians to say one word that came to mind when they thought of RP minister Ken Smith, many ...

A Life with One Message

June 20, 2014


What are some of your favorite hobbies or leisure activities and why? My wife, Floy, and I have enjoyed Scrabble for 57 years. I enjoy the game of ...

Winterlude 2014

June 02, 2014

Youth Witness 

For the past 12 years, the Ottawa, Ont., RPC has hosted a youth retreat in February. This retreat overlaps with the Canadian Winterlude festival that ...

Training Shepherds Here, There, and Everywhere

June 02, 2014

Agency Features /  Seminary 

Paul (name changed for security purposes) is ready for the seminary lecture, Introduction to Reformed Theology. Neatly arrayed around him are his ...