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Fields White for Harvest

September 08, 2008

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm 67 Psalm Category: Community song of gratitude Central Thought: God’s blessing of His people has always had a worldwide purpose, and we must ...

Winchester, Kan., RPC

August 09, 2008

Congregation of the Month 

Winchester RPC Location: Winchester, Kan. Presbytery: Midwest Organized: 1868 Membership: 65 communicant; 11 baptized Pastor: Paul ...

RPI Retrospective

Drew Gordon | August 08, 2008

Agency Features /  RP International Conference /  Viewpoint 

I wondered at the Reformed Presbyterian International Conference this year how many photos were being taken. A lot more people have digital cameras ...

Exclusive Psalmody and Songs of Revelation

Denny Prutow | August 08, 2008

Learn & Live 

We are looking at the song of Revelation 15:3-4 in response to a professor’s assertion that “exclusive psalmody is not only not required, but ...

Actions Have Consequences

Virginia McBurney | August 08, 2008

Kids Page 

Have you ever read from the book of Proverbs with your family? God wrote this book for us so that we would become wise. Proverbs 16 is full of godly ...

A Personal Testimony

August 08, 2008

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm 66 Psalm Category: Community song of gratitude Central Thought: As it was with the psalmist, a personal testimony is an expression of God’s ...

Silent Praise

July 09, 2008

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm 65 Psalm Category: Community song of gratitude Central Thought: Silence is a precious way of giving praise to God, and is often a natural ...

Spiritual Disciplines, in Grace

Russ Pulliam | July 08, 2008


My pastor gave me a profound lesson recently. I find it helpful to have Rich Johnston (pastor, Second RPC in Indianapolis, Ind.) review my Bible study ...

More on Psalms and Revelation

Denny Prutow | July 08, 2008

Learn & Live 

A prominent college professor of religion, in an unpublished paper, says, “Exclusive psalmody is not only not required, but positively erroneous and ...

In Your Work, Give Specific Thanks

Drew Gordon | July 08, 2008


In my first board meeting as a Reformed Presbyterian, I found it curious that there would be a Resolution of Thanks on the agenda, and even more ...

Comparing God’s Law and Prayer

Virginia McBurney | July 08, 2008

Kids Page 

Jesus gave His disciples (and us!) a guide for praying in Matthew 6:9-13. We call this the Lord’s Prayer. God also gave laws to His people. The laws ...

210 Years and Ministering

June 30, 2008

Congregation of the Month 

Broomall RPC Location: Philadelphia, Pa. Presbytery: Atlantic Organized: Jan. 28, 1798 Membership: 60 communicant; 11 baptized Pastor: William J. ...

Your Church Family

June 08, 2008

Kids Page 

When you were born, you were born into a family. You had a mom and a dad and maybe even a sibling or two. There is another kind of family you belong ...

Stories of Providential Grace

Drew Gordon | June 08, 2008


We’ve grown accustomed to the fact that a significant number of Reformed Presbyterians are gifted writers who have a valuable story to tell. When ...

A Tale of Two Churches

June 06, 2008

Congregation of the Month 

First RPC of Beaver Falls Location: Beaver Falls, Pa. Presbytery: Alleghenies Organized: Nov. 10, 1874 Membership: 130 communicant; 29 ...

Age-Appropriate Worship

Dennis J. Prutow | June 05, 2008

Learn & Live 

One popular argument regarding the use of musical instruments in worship runs like this: Worship in the church today is a foretaste of heaven. The ...

Age-Appropriate Worship

Dennis J. Prutow | June 05, 2008

Learn & Live 

One popular argument regarding the use of musical instruments in worship runs like this: Worship in the church today is a foretaste of heaven. The ...

A War of Words

June 04, 2008

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm 64 Psalm Category: Individual Lament Central Thought: Verbal attacks can be very damaging, and we are prone to fear them. The answer comes not ...

Watch That Attitude!

Virginia McBurney | May 08, 2008

Kids Page 

We can learn godly (and some ungodly) ways of thinking from the interesting lives of God’s people in the Old Testament. Look at the ATTITUDES listed ...