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Marked Men and Women

Dennis J. Prutow | July 11, 2001

Learn & Live 

Four thousand years ago, God made a tremendous promise to Abraham. “I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; ...

SonRise Party 2001

Shannon Elder and David Blackwood | July 11, 2001

Youth Witness 

Once a year, the Great Lakes-Gulf Presbytery hosts an overnight party. “The SonRise Party” is usually held in March or April. This year’s event ...

Heroes I Found Easily

Drew Gordon | July 11, 2001


Everyone knows that the heroes of the Bible were tale heroes—fallible people but people whose foundations were built on solid rock and who were ...

Covenant Love

Dennis J. Prutow | June 30, 2001

Learn & Live 

Here is another statement of God’s covenant promise to ancient Israel: “I will give them a heart to know Me, for I am the Lord; and they will be ...

Silent No More

Drew Gordon | June 11, 2001


Does it make you angry when a drunk driver kills a child on a local highway? Does it make you angry to hear how much liquor is being regularly sewed ...

Memories for a Lifetime

Anna Roberts | January 02, 2001

Agency Features /  RP International Conference /  Youth Witness 

I had been waiting for four years for the next International Conference. I had had such a good time in junior high that I was dying to come back ...