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Actions Have Consequences

A page for kids

  â€”Virginia McBurney | Columns, Kids Page | August 08, 2008

Have you ever read from the book of Proverbs with your family? God wrote this book for us so that we would become wise. Proverbs 16 is full of godly instruction for us. These verses teach us what the results are for having attitudes or actions that are pleasing to Jesus, and also the consequences for sinful thoughts or actions. Read Proverbs 16 (or have your parents read the chapter to you).

Match the good behavior listed below with the good results, and the ungodly behavior with the bad results. Can you find even more verses in this passage that deal with godly actions leading to blessings from God?

—Virginia McBurney


  1. When you commit your way to the Lord (v. 3)

  2. When you have a proud heart (v. 5)

  3. When you fear the Lord (v. 6)

  4. When your ways are pleasing to God (v. 7)

  5. When you are honest and speak the truth (v. 13)

  6. When you desire wisdom and understanding (v. 16)

  7. When you walk uprightly and guard your way (v. 17)

  8. When you are proud and haughty (v. 18)

  9. When you listen to instruction & trust in the Lord (v. 20)

  10. When you have understanding (v. 22)

  11. When you have a wise heart (v. 23)

  12. When you speak pleasant words (v. 24)

  13. When you are a troublemaker or a gossip (v. 28)

  14. When you are patient and control your temper (v. 32)

A. He causes even your enemies to be peaceful towards you

B. It is a fountain of life to you

C. You avoid evil and preserve your life

D. It guides your mouth

E. Your plans will succeed

F. You cause fighting, and break close friendships

G. They are sweet to the soul, and healing to the body

H. It is better than being strong or conquering a city

I. You keep away from evil

J. The Lord detests it, and punishes

K. It is better than silver or gold

L. Destruction and fall await you

M. Kings love you and take pleasure in your speech

N. You prosper and are blessed