Psalm 67
Psalm Category:Community song of gratitude
Central Thought:God’s blessing of His people has always had a worldwide purpose, and we must remember our part in it.
The spirit of this psalm can be traced back to the Abrahamic promise that the people of God would be both blessed and made a blessing to all the world (Gen. 12:1-3). The psalm begins with a petition for “us” but is thereafter focused on the peoples of the world. It relates what is in store for them when the blessing that has reached “us” reaches them as well. Although the setting of harvesttime may be the historical context, verses 5-7 describe the worshiping world as the harvest yielded by the earth—a metaphor that was undoubtedly in Christ’s mind when He pictured the work of the gospel as a great harvest of people (Matt. 9:36-38; John 4:35-37).
Verse 1 clearly echoes the Aaronic blessing (Num. 6:24-26), while verse 2 gives that classic blessing ...