Heavenly Wisdom Is Unwavering
Andrew Kerr | November/December 2020 Issue
During the pandemic, I have grown some red hot chilies. Much to my surprise, and to the consternation of my wife, every seed germinated. The plants ...
Andrew Kerr | November/December 2020 Issue
During the pandemic, I have grown some red hot chilies. Much to my surprise, and to the consternation of my wife, every seed germinated. The plants ...
The first three Covenanter families from eastern Iowa arrived in 1854, picking out homesteads and settling several miles south of what is now Clarinda ...
Mark Sampson | November/December 2020 Issue
Although he is now a man with a dual-major undergraduate degree, two graduate-level degrees, and a PhD, he had never wanted to go to college. Jeff ...
Drew Gordon | November/December 2020 Issue
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Matt. 5:9). So important is peacemaking that it is highlighted by Christ as one ...
Audrey McMahan | November/December 2020 Issue
Due to the COVID-19 shutdown, Jason Thoman had to discontinue many of his usual ministry undertakings. So, he has taken advantage of opportunities to ...
When I was two years old my father accepted the gospel call to Quinter, Kan. It was the early 1930s (sometimes called “The Dirty ’30s”). Dust ...
Jonathan Parnell | November/December 2020 Issue
I was sitting at a table with two other trained Christian conciliators listening to a room full of church leaders try to describe the situation at ...
Joel Hart | September/October 2020 Issue
Made with real fruit. Bursting with fruity flavor. Fruit in every bite. Advertising slogans repeatedly reveal one simple truth: fruitfulness is ...
Kyle Borg | September/October 2020 Issue
How do I know that God exists? That is an important question, and it is one that every Christian should be able to answer. Sadly, many are poorly ...
Mary Brown | September/October 2020 Issue
(1) What country has the largest pool in the world? (2) What country has the highest city in the world? (3) What subcontinent is home to at least ...
Nathaniel Pockras | September/October 2020 Issue
Quarantine. Wearing a mask. Keeping safer at home. Pandemic. No public worship. Closing and reopening. Many of us think of these far more often than ...
Daniel Howe | September/October 2020 Issue
In January 1919, my great-grandfather Edwin Howe was finishing his stay at a sanitorium for tuberculosis patients when the Spanish Flu swept through ...
Amanda McCracken | September/October 2020 Issue
Moving across the world is something that few people have the opportunity to experience, but I have recently been challenged and privileged to be one ...
Vanessa Le | September/October 2020 Issue
As parents in the 21st Century, we get bombarded from all sides on how to raise our kids: “Do this, don’t do that.” In the secular world, it’s ...
Bill Kilgore | September/October 2020 Issue
I was on a call from my home office with a couple of my Lockheed Martin colleagues on Sept. 16, 2019, when our house phone rang (yes, we still have a ...
William J. Edgar | September/October 2020 Issue
This article is an excerpt from the seventh chapter of the new book, 7 Big Questions (Crown & Covenant Publications, 2020). People often look ...
Patricia Boyle | September/October 2020 Issue
This spring, Reformed Presbyterian congregations received a special appeal from the Reformed Presbyterian Home for funds to help with the COVID-19 ...
Dora, Charlie, and Peter Brown were part of a small choir through their homeschool group in December, and Charlie and Peter participated in the ...
Caleb McCracken | September/October 2020 Issue
Geneva College is a missional institution, being student focused and emphasizing Christ, comprehensive education, and service to God and neighbor. A ...
When Geneva College relocated to Beaver Falls, Pa., in 1880, a cluster of Reformed Presbyterian churches also sprouted, with the College Hill Reformed ...
Location: Elkins Park, Pa. Presbytery: Atlantic Organization: 1851 Membership: 53 communicant; 23 baptized Pastor: John Edgar Website: ...
The work of the Home Mission Board is often understood as just assisting presbyteries in the work of church planting. While this is one of the primary ...
I made my way past Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and down Chandler Street. The smell of fresh corn dogs, tamales, and beer settled with the fading ...
If you go to our website, receive a newsletter, or visit us on social media, you may have noticed the new logo for the Reformed Presbyterian ...