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A Socially Distanced Synod

June 15, 2021

Web Exclusives 

Tonight the 189th meeting of the RPCNA Synod convened. And so did the 190th! Cancellation of the 2020 Synod meeting (due to COVID) meant that Synod ...

The 189th RPCNA Synod Begins Monday

June 11, 2021

Agency Features /  Synod /  News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

COVID has changed Synod’s work too. After the cancelling of last year’s Reformed Presbyterian Synod meeting due to pandemic realities, the 2021 ...

An Ordinary Path

Bridget Carroll | May/June 2021 Issue


I was sitting on a hard bench with two other missionaries. One of them spoke the local language; and, as the congregation prayed together, he ...

A Breath of Fresh Air

Audrey McMahan | May/June 2021 Issue

Theme Articles 

While most events have been canceled recently, the youth of the Presbytery of the Alle­ghenies (POA) enjoyed their first retreat in over a year. Much ...

How Do Calvinists Evangelize?

James Faris and Noah Bailey | May/June 2021 Issue

Asked & Answered 

It is common to hear the question, “Why do Calvinists evangelize?” But here, we consider how, which is also a good question. How do we speak the ...

Theme and Subthemes

Nathan Eshelman | May/June 2021 Issue

Jerusalem Chamber 

What’s the book about?” That’s an exciting question for those who love to read. The narrative unfolds and ensues as words become sentences and ...

Shepherd School

Mark Sampson | May/June 2021 Issue

Agency Features /  Seminary 

His loud voice boomed across the airport’s departure lounge as he argued in very, shall I say, colorful language on the phone. As he approached the ...

Preach It!

Barry York | May/June 2021 Issue


Editor’s note: We are pleased to offer this new regular feature, written by different faculty members of the Reformed Presbyterian Theological ...

Blessed with Children

Denise Morrow | May/June 2021 Issue

RP Living 

On a warm June day nearly 20 years ago, my husband, Sam, and I stood before our family and friends promising to love and cherish each other until ...

Bloomington RPC

Abby Archer | May/June 2021 Issue

Congregation of the Month 

1820, John and Thomas Moore completed the lengthy journey from South Carolina to Bloomington, Ind. These Christians left the southern state where ...

Pastors on the Brink

An RP Pastor's Wife | May/June 2021 Issue

Theme Articles 

“Did you think the pastorate was going to be this hard?” My husband and I were lunching at the RP International Conference with another pastor ...

The Mysterious Stranger

Bob Hemphill | May 10, 2021

Agency Features /  Publications 

Here is an excerpt from the newly released book in the Windmill Pete series by Rev. Bob Hemphill. This fiction series is “designed for adventurers ...

Magazines in the RPCNA

Nathaniel Pockras | April 01, 2021

RP History /  Web Exclusives 

We’re familiar with the Reformed Presbyterian Witness today, but what do we know about previous RPCNA magazines? Several short-lived periodicals in ...