How Much Should We Focus on a Child’s Heart?
Tedd Tripp and Bill Edgar | February 01, 2005
The December issue of the RP Witness included a review article by RP Pastor Bill Edgar that complimented Tedd Tripp’s popular book on parenting, ...
Tedd Tripp and Bill Edgar | February 01, 2005
The December issue of the RP Witness included a review article by RP Pastor Bill Edgar that complimented Tedd Tripp’s popular book on parenting, ...
February 01, 2005
Agreeing with the Reviewer In regard to the parenting methods espoused by Tedd Tripp in his book, Shepherding a Child’s Heart, (see review, ...
Rebekah Troup | February 01, 2005
In John 17:20-21, Jesus prays that His disciples would be one. We are called not only to be unified with people in our individual churches but with ...
January 02, 2005
Psalm Category: Psalm of Lament Central Thought: Psalm 26 reminds us that it is only through the mercy and redeeming love of God that we make it ...
Virginia McBurney | January 01, 2005
Read Psalm 139:7-12. Answer the questions. Then, unscramble the letters below. —What people groups are mentioned? —What does it say about God? ...
Drew Gordon | January 01, 2005
The thing that changes fastest in our world might just be the rapidity of change itself. In such a world, publications are not infrequently born and ...
Bekah Troup and Avery Mann | January 01, 2005
Whether it’s the weekly youth meeting, a service project, party, or presbytery youth retreat, we’re familiar with the way RP youth groups are ...
Wayne R. Spear | January 01, 2005
In his introduction to the Reformed Confessions of the 16th Century, Arthur Cochrane wrote, “It is too little known in Presbyterian Churches in the ...
Bruce C. Stewart | January 01, 2005
All work and no play make Jack a dull Christian.” I remember my dad saying that on numerous occasions. Not that he neglected work. He was ...
Dennis J. Prutow | January 01, 2005
Long after King David passed from the scene, God promised, “Then I will set over them one shepherd, My servant David, and he will feed them; he will ...
Virginia McBurney | December 15, 2004
Read the story of the good Samaritan on this page. Luke 10: 29-37 A man went along the road from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves who ...
December 12, 2004
Psalm Category: Psalm of Lament Central Thought: Psalm 25 reminds us of the glorious benefits that flow from our covenant relationship with God. Key ...
Kathy Donath | December 10, 2004
I first arrived on Geneva College’s campus as a freshman—halfway through my freshman year at a New York state college. I was looking for a ...
Drew Gordon | December 10, 2004
Rather than offer a lofty editorial on parenting, I’m going to interact in a personal way with the four principles of biblical parenting that Wade ...
Wayne R. Spear | December 10, 2004
Modern-day Christians are inclined to think of the Christian faith in an individualistic way. Our culture, with its concentration on the self, ...
Compiled by Heidi Filbert | December 10, 2004
Our aged saints provide us with invaluable stories, information, and wisdom. They set examples for how we should live our lives with faith first. ...
Avery Mann | December 10, 2004
It was Lord’s Day morning, and I was one divinely happy four-year-old girl. I was wearing a pretty blue dress, but my delight was in the brand new ...
Dennis J. Prutow | December 10, 2004
The wilderness journey of Israel from Mount Sinai to the Promised Land is not simply a part of biblical history. It is like our journey as Christians ...
November 12, 2004
Psalm Category: Temple Entrance Liturgy Central Thought: Psalm 24 declares that Jesus Christ is the King of glory because of His marvelous works of ...
October 08, 2004
Psalm Category: Song of Trust Central Thought: Psalm 23 reminds us that, while the journey of this life is harrowing, we will make it safely ...
The only congregation of the RPCNA in the state of Wyoming is in Laramie, a small city sprawled across a broad valley along Interstate 80 where the ...
Though unfamiliar to some, since at least Augustine it’s commonplace to speak of man’s fourfold state: the state of innocency, the state of ...
Having grown up in the midst of war-torn Iran and in a strictly Muslim family, at age nine Naghmeh Panahi nonetheless heard the Word of God and ...
I recently learned that quite a few people inquire with the RP Witness for practical suggestions on how congregations can find encouragement for ...