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An Incomplete List

  —Drew Gordon | Columns, Viewpoint | January 01, 2005

The thing that changes fastest in our world might just be the rapidity of change itself. In such a world, publications are not infrequently born and buried in the same year. Thus the mere existence of a magazine that has completed (together with its forerunners) 120 years of publication is a testimony to the unflinching support of myriads of people.

As we begin Year 121, we again bow the knee and say, “It’s good to thank the Lord!” The Witness has never been a large magazine, never had a huge circulation, never supported a large staff. But, by God’s grace, it has met some important needs. And, through God’s people, its own needs have been met. We start each new year by thanking you, our readers, writers, and other contributors, for making this publication ministry possible. This year I’d like to focus on the vital role of congregations and the tremendous support they provide to this magazine.

As you thumb through the magazine and look at the large number of congregations represented in the news and articles (beginning with the staff box on page 2), you will begin to realize the vibrant role congregations play in the content of this monthly magazine. Most of the work is done behind the scenes—by a congregation’s news correspondent, for example, or by a congregation’s subscription agent. These people work voluntarily, sacrificially, and cheerfully. While any list will be utterly incomplete, I also know that simply saying, “Thanks, everyone,” lacks the specificity that gratitude often exudes. Therefore, at this time, we want to express our joy and great thanks for congregations that have gone above and beyond in supporting this ministry in 2004, such as by making certain that every member in the congregation received the Witness, or by donating to the ongoing work of this ministry. Thank you.

Drew Gordon

Geneva Hetherton Rose Point Eastvale Crown & Covenant (Owego) Walton Columbus 2nd Indianapolis Sparta Anchor Fellowship Fulton Elkins Park Seattle New Hartford Southside Indianapolis Rochester Clarinda Hebron Sterling Washington, Ia Wichita Syracuse Sharon Stillwater College Hill Fresno Longmont Ridgefield Park Cambridge Shawnee Trinity Christian Community Fellowship (Cyprus)