Ministering to Cush
Vince Ward | June 03, 2002
“Cush will submit to God” (Ps. 68:31). The ancient people of Cush (Kush), at times called Ethiopia, once stretched out their hands in worship ...
Vince Ward | June 03, 2002
“Cush will submit to God” (Ps. 68:31). The ancient people of Cush (Kush), at times called Ethiopia, once stretched out their hands in worship ...
R. Andrew Myers | May 20, 2002
As a young man, I spent several years studying French in high school. By God’s grace, soon after my conversion to Christ at a college in North ...
Gordon J. Keddie | May 20, 2002
One of the most searching challenges in the Bible is undoubtedly Solomon’s charge to young people in the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes. He ...
William D. Black | May 13, 2002
It has been said that the worst thing about going to the doctor is that you have to take off your clothes. In this situation we tolerate something we ...
Dennis J. Prutow | May 13, 2002
Introduction The Apostle Paul writes the fledgling minister, Timothy. He has several concerns as this young minister labors in Ephesus. He’s ...
Rebecca Williams | April 17, 2002
Christina Huwalt loves what she does. “I’ve always enjoyed spending time with kids. Loving them and being there for them has been a passion for a ...
Norman M. Carson | April 10, 2002
My experience of September 11 would probably compare best with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941. The assassinations of John F. ...
Phil Hayes | April 10, 2002
Evalyn was born at home during a snowstorm in Cleveland, Ohio, on Mar. 3. 1912, to Lloyd and Elizabeth Link. Her father worked with Elliot Ness as a ...
March 25, 2002
Christian Growth Loved by God R.C. Sproul | Word, 2001 |Reviewed by Charles Brown “God is love.” What does this statement from 1 John ...
Faith M. Martin | March 25, 2002
We have always felt it speaks well for the RP Home when employees choose the Home for their parents. In a similar way, we are pleased to have three ...
Gordon J. Keddie | March 25, 2002
The Bible is full of eternity and constantly points us to the last judgment and the great divide between heaven and hell. God has “put ...
Wayne Spear | February 04, 2002
Prayer, according to the Bible, involves a personal relationship between God and the one who is praying. In prayer, we are not manipulating or ...
Brian Coombs, Kenneth Smith | February 03, 2002
The following interview with Pastors Brian Coombs and Kenneth Smith of the Syracuse Reformed Presbyterian Church elicits their response to having ...
February 02, 2002
How do you determine what is right and what is wrong? Just weigh things out according to consequences. What my parents taught…what my religion ...
Alan Keyes | February 01, 2002
Alan Keyes, former ambassador to the U. N. and presidential candidate, calls Americans to consider how God will respond to their cries for security ...
Stephen Wright | January 15, 2002
“You will learn a lot,” I was told. I was on my first trip to America. It was 1999, and I had just finished my studies at the Irish RP seminary. I ...
Joyce Schofield | January 15, 2002
The Foreign Mission Board (FMB) has much for which to be thankful and has many opportunities to explore as we work to spread the gospel of Jesus ...
Jenny Baumgardner | January 15, 2002
On Jan. 5, 1946, Charlotte Brim, age 33, her mother, and her cousin Fred started out on a trip from Indianapolis, Ind., to see family and friends in ...
Drew Gordon, Andy McCracken | January 15, 2002
How did you become so involved with this topic? My interest in Postmodernism began in 1992 working as a campus minister at Indiana University in ...
Norman M. Carson | December 27, 2001
The Covenanter Witness, whose roots are outlined in the preceding pages, was born in 1928. The Witness continued the format of its predecessor, The ...
Location: Elkins Park, Pa. Presbytery: Atlantic Organization: 1851 Membership: 53 communicant; 23 baptized Pastor: John Edgar Website: ...
The work of the Home Mission Board is often understood as just assisting presbyteries in the work of church planting. While this is one of the primary ...
I made my way past Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and down Chandler Street. The smell of fresh corn dogs, tamales, and beer settled with the fading ...
The churches in which I was reared, like those of most American Protestants, never once sang a metrical psalm as part of their public worship. ...