The following interview with Pastors Brian Coombs and Kenneth Smith of the Syracuse Reformed Presbyterian Church elicits their response to having attended the “Church Planting Boot Camp,” a class taught by Professor Steve Childers at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Fla. The Syracuse RPC has maintained a satellite church as a means of extending the gospel and planting another church. Pastor Coombs leads that ministry.
How did you get involved in this class? Was this through the Home Mission Board?
Smith:Yes. I was surprised that someone in my generation would be asked, but I was encouraged to go, both for my own growth and to assess the course and its helpfulness. So, I attended the course in the summer of 2000.
Coombs:I attended a Home Mission Board (HMB) sponsored Church Planters Conference with Steve Childers in 2000 along with other RP church planting pastors and wives. Dean Smith of ...