Losing Everything, Finding Life
Christopher Bogosh | June 01, 2005
My story begins in a typical, blue-collar home with two well-meaning parents, two brothers, and three sisters. Our home was not a Christian home, and ...
Christopher Bogosh | June 01, 2005
My story begins in a typical, blue-collar home with two well-meaning parents, two brothers, and three sisters. Our home was not a Christian home, and ...
June 01, 2005
Sometimes eyes glaze over as kids listen to a story from our past. This can be deflating for us, the storytellers. We want our stories to pique their ...
Jerry O'Neill | May 01, 2005
In the fall of 1970, I was a private in the United States Army in advanced infantry training at Fort Ord, Calif. My life was consumed with preparation ...
Katie Long | May 01, 2005
I just want to be normal,” I whispered to a friend, tears streaming down my face, as we walked down the long hall of Methodist Hospital. This was ...
Patricia Boyle | May 01, 2005
The RP International Conference last summer provided me with a veritable banquet of food to nourish my faith and spiritual life. One of the many ...
David J. Reese | March 01, 2005
Approaching the Subject Theology, or the study of doctrine, has fallen on hard times in the church today. Some question the necessity of it. Others ...
Linda Reyburn | March 01, 2005
The first-ever Phoenix RP mission team, with 8 members and 1 other attendee, accomplished an amazing amount of work in 16 days (Dec. 29–Jan. 12). ...
David J. Reese | March 01, 2005
Our Reformed forefathers said that the doctrine of justification is “the main hinge on which religion turns” (Calvin, Institutes, 3.2.1). Yet ...
Steve McMahan | March 01, 2005
After peaking at an all-time high of $355 thousand in 2000, contributions to the Reformed Presbyterian Mission and Ministry fund (RPM&M) declined ...
Bruce C. Stewart | February 01, 2005
In my view, state lotteries have paved the way for great increases in legalized gambling. They have promoted the notion of beating the odds, they have ...
Drew and Lynne Gordon | February 01, 2005
Quick. You’re online chatting with a friend about what your church thinks about justification by faith. What does the RP Testimony say? What does ...
Interview by Drew Gordon | January 01, 2005
Rut Etheridge has traveled a long road from his birthplace in Massachusetts, to his teen years in Indiana, to college in Ohio, where he met his wife, ...
Betty Burger | January 01, 2005
On an average Lord’s Day morning at a traditional New England grange hall in the Berkshires of Massachusetts, a small but faithful band of four ...
William Edgar | December 10, 2004
Four years ago in a sermon, I made a few critical comments about Ted Tripp’s book, Shepherding a Child’s Heart. Since then, I’ve gotten ongoing ...
December 10, 2004
Theology Standing Forth: The Collected Writings of Roger Nicole, by Roger Nicole, published by Fearn, Ross-shire, Mentor, 2002. Hardback, 492 pp., ...
Wade and Barb Mann | December 10, 2004
We eagerly anticipate the birth of our new little one, and when the day finally arrives we feel like it is Christmas. What a wonderful package we have ...
July 25, 2002
In almost conversational style, the author has characterized and explained for today’s readers one of the most difficult OT books. Her ...
Gordon J. Keddie | July 01, 2002
What will heaven be like? We have seen already seen something of what we called “the geography of glory”—what heaven will look like (Rev. ...
Gordon J. Keddie | June 03, 2002
What is heaven like? In cartoons and TV ads, it is usually a very old and ethereal place. If it has any land, it looks a bit like the North Pole—all ...
Stan Copeland | June 03, 2002
You’re one sick puppy. How did you become a Covenanter pastor?” The tired old stewardess opened the decrepit airliner’s cabin door. ...
Location: Elkins Park, Pa. Presbytery: Atlantic Organization: 1851 Membership: 53 communicant; 23 baptized Pastor: John Edgar Website: ...
The work of the Home Mission Board is often understood as just assisting presbyteries in the work of church planting. While this is one of the primary ...
I made my way past Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and down Chandler Street. The smell of fresh corn dogs, tamales, and beer settled with the fading ...
The churches in which I was reared, like those of most American Protestants, never once sang a metrical psalm as part of their public worship. ...