A Student’s View
November 06, 2005
Scott Metzger Junior, North Hills RPC Pittsburgh, Pa. Geneva has affected my spiritual growth by making me realize how central the Bible and our ...
November 06, 2005
Scott Metzger Junior, North Hills RPC Pittsburgh, Pa. Geneva has affected my spiritual growth by making me realize how central the Bible and our ...
Christy Pulliam | October 03, 2005
I had the privilege of serving on three mission teams to France in the summers of 2000, 2002, and 2004. Working with the Ball and McFarland families, ...
Dr. Richard C. Gamble | October 03, 2005
When a congregation begins to think about, pray for, and plan ahead concerning a church plant, a host of factors are involved. Whatever the ...
October 03, 2005
With no RP congregation in Louisiana, who did people in the RP church call to see how they could help the victims of Hurricane Katrina? Judy ...
Grant Van Leuven | October 03, 2005
It was one of the steps that confirmed for me that I should follow a pastoral call,” said 22-year-old Sam DeSocio of his experience as a high school ...
Joey Bagulia | October 03, 2005
Living Hope RPC started in the Stringers’ living room. When we read the Bible and prayed and sang the psalms, I had to sit on the floor because the ...
Andrew Spencer | October 03, 2005
I don’t think I realized how massive Hurricane Katrina was until the evacuees started pouring in. What force could extend destruction to so many ...
September 01, 2005
Psalmody SING THE LORD’S SONG: Biblical Psalms in Worship, by John W. Keddie, Crown & Covenant, 2003. Paperback, 74 pp., $6. Reviewed by David ...
Heather Huizing | September 01, 2005
As I perused the latest news about Africa as reported on the internet, headlines spoke of military action, government inaction, corruption, genocide, ...
Gordon J. Keddie | September 01, 2005
There were present at that season some who told Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answered and ...
Julie Holderman | August 08, 2005
Before God saved me, I was an arrogant, self-reliant woman. I had grown up believing I could do anything I wanted to do, and so I set out to do it. My ...
Gordon J. Keddie | August 08, 2005
Sam Boyle, the late, great RP missionary to China and Japan, told me a story about a visitor to the Midwest. The visitor asked his host about the ...
August 08, 2005
Alleghenies Merger between the Geneva and First Beaver Falls congregations 2 new RP mission works—Purcelville, Va., and Gibsonia, Pa. Eastvale is ...
August 08, 2005
Major transitions at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary drew significant attention during the 2005 Synod of the RPCNA. This short Synod ...
July 05, 2005
The Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (RPTS) in Pittsburgh, Pa., honored nine graduates at a commencement ceremony on May 20. Four graduates ...
Will McChesney | July 05, 2005
The Youth Ministries Committee of Synod (YMCS) was commissioned about eight years ago to focus on youth ministry in the denomination, a responsibility ...
Norman Carson | July 05, 2005
On that morning in July, I woke up really early. Perhaps it was the sound of the Big Thompson River outside my window, although that same ...
July 05, 2005
“Did you meet the visitor today?” I asked another Reformed Presbyterian. “His name is John Williams.” “No,” she replied. “How did ...
Beth Bogue | July 05, 2005
When the Session in Airdrie told us last spring that we were going to have a mission this year, I learned a new use for the word. Up until that time, ...
June 01, 2005
Retirement Dinner A retirement recognition dinner for Dr. Spear and Dr. Robson of the RP Seminary has been scheduled for June 30, the closing day of ...
Location: Elkins Park, Pa. Presbytery: Atlantic Organization: 1851 Membership: 53 communicant; 23 baptized Pastor: John Edgar Website: ...
The work of the Home Mission Board is often understood as just assisting presbyteries in the work of church planting. While this is one of the primary ...
I made my way past Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and down Chandler Street. The smell of fresh corn dogs, tamales, and beer settled with the fading ...
The churches in which I was reared, like those of most American Protestants, never once sang a metrical psalm as part of their public worship. ...