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The Witness Gets a Web Site

Education & Publication

  —Drew and Lynne Gordon | Features, Agency Features, Publications | February 01, 2005

Quick. You’re online chatting with a friend about what your church thinks about justification by faith. What does the RP Testimony say? What does the Westminster Confession of Faith say?

Did you know that you can find the answers online? Since 2002, the RPCNA Education & Publication Office has offered a free a PDF copy of the RP Constitution on one of its websites, There are other things on the Reformed Presbyterian website, like a brief statement of beliefs, a calendar of events, conference listings, a clickable map to find RP congregations by presbytery, and a page for each congregation, agency, and board, including email addresses and websites.

The E&P Office administrates other websites, too. One is brand new, just launched this month.

The New RP Witness Site—

A denominational magazine is a lot more than the printed page. In order to connect people—thousands of people in dozens of congregations—there must be contributions from many people, and plenty of communication.

A new website is going to make those contributions and that communication easier., the first full-featured website for this magazine, went live just days ago. For those of you who prefer using the Web when possible, things like renewing your subscription or finding forms for submitting announcements just became a lot easier.

Here are some things you can do when you make a trip to the site:

• Read a summary of articles in the latest issue

• Browse a list of back issues of the magazine organized by both date and category

• Submit a letter to the editor online, or quickly contact the Witness about other matters

• Download the forms for your congregation’s announcements to the Witness, such as births, baptisms, and graduations.

• Find helpful information for keeping your congregation in the news, and guidelines for writing articles for the Witness

• Submit your change of address in just seconds

• Renew your subscription easily and safely through our secure server. Your friends can sign up for a free trial subscription to the Witness, too.

Quickly jump to other RP websites, or jump to web pages mentioned in recent RP Witness articles.

Other functions that will improve your reading and Web surfing experience are already in the planning stages, and we will add them to the site as God provides the resources. For now, this site provides a big leap forward in helping the Witness readers and the Witness staff to serve one another better for the benefit of the entire denomination.

Crown & Covenant Publications—

The main purpose of is to provide customers with an easy-to-use Web store for Crown & Covenant’s books and materials. The site is secure for credit card use, and automatically factors in the 10%–20% everyday discounts that C&C customers have come to expect.

The C&C website also offers some things that the print catalog does not:

If you like to shop the sales, the website is the place to go. Sale, clearance, and new items are updated regularly on, whereas C&C’s print catalog and flyers only mail a few times a year.

If you need a copyright permissions form for a special event, you can print one out at Reformed Presbyterian congregations do not need to use these forms for events at their church, as long as they put a clear copyright statement on all copies. These forms are handy for non-RP events and non-RP friends that would like to use the psalms in their local church or Bible study. There are never fees associated with filing these forms.

If you or a friend wants to listen to a verse of a psalm from any of the psalm recordings that C&C carries, you can click on the listening post link on’s home page. There you will find MP3s of almost every recording that is in the C&C stockroom. They give the listener a better idea of what a particular CD will sound like. It’s a great way to let friends hear a cappella psalm singing.

Crown & Covenant Publications E-Newsletter

Once a month, C&C sends out an electronic newsletter, announcing new publications, products, and specials. Sometimes subscribers are sent exclusive coupons, only available to people on the email list. One can subscribe to the newsletter by typing their email address into the “Join Our Mailing List” box on the home page of

Blue Banner Site

In the coming year, C&C plans to launch a new website——that is dedicated to the writings of RP pastor, theologian, and missionary J. G. Vos. His journal, Blue Banner Faith and Life, has long been related to the ministry of C&C, and its use has been overseen by the E&P Office since the 1980s.

Among other things, the site will offer some of Vos’s shorter writings for free download. Presently, the C&C staff is preparing an A–Z list of Vos’s theological definitions from the Blue Banner.

Taking Advantage

In the near future, Crown & Covenant plans to offer more free downloads on its websites. The staff at C&C hopes that you will tell others about these sites and link to them where possible, so they can be of maximum service to the church.