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Agency Features  Category RSS Feed

Energy and Basic Skills, at Least

Theresa Gazo | July 15, 2016

Agency Features /  Global Missions 

Theresa Gazo Bloom went on her first RP Missions trip to Phoenix, Ariz., in the winter of 2004 when she had just turned 16. She helped out on the ...

Synod Preview 2016

Drew Gordon | June 23, 2016

Agency Features /  Synod 

Daily reports from Synod will be posted on Look for play-by-play RP Synod updates on the RP Witness Facebook page and on the Reformed ...

Synod 1916

John M. Mitchell | June 20, 2016

Agency Features /  Synod 

Where and When Synod opened Wednesday morning, June 7, 1916 and ended Tuesday evening, June 13, in the Chicago RP Church. Synod’s practice was to ...

Synod 1816

John M. Mitchell | June 15, 2016

Agency Features /  Synod 

The fifth Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America met in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1816. Following is some information about this young ...

The Unique Classroom

Mark Sampson | May 13, 2016

Agency Features /  Seminary 

Everything is bigger in Texas. At least, that is how the saying goes. Not surprisingly, there are some Reformed Presbyterians in Texas with some big ...

An RP Oasis

Kihei and Amelia Takiura | May 13, 2016

Agency Features 

Imagine traveling across a desert. Everything you see and touch is dry and lifeless. Japan is a spiritual desert, where every part of the culture is ...

Dr. Watt

Cheryl Johnston | March 01, 2016

Agency Features /  Geneva College 

Dr. Jonathan Watt is one of the busiest professors at Geneva College. He teaches courses in biblical studies, English, Greek, linguistics, ...

RPIC 2016 Conference Preview

Sam Spear | January 04, 2016

Theme Articles /  Agency Features /  RP International Conference 

You may be wondering what to expect this July when your minivan, maxi-van, micro-bus, or sedan drives onto the campus of Indiana Wesleyan University ...

The Value of International Conference

Virginia McBurney | January 04, 2016

Theme Articles /  Agency Features /  RP International Conference 

When I was growing up, I went to a liberal church that never had a family conference. Conferences were all new to me after I joined the Reformed ...

Testimonies to Conference Impact

January 04, 2016

Theme Articles /  Agency Features /  RP International Conference 

Joe Rizzo | Broomall, Pa., RPC At the 2004 RP International Conference, I met the pastor and several saints from the Phoenix RP Church. It was clear ...

The Yellow House

Lianne Hespe | January 04, 2016

Agency Features /  Home Missions 

No, thanks. That was my initial response to Laramie RPC’s warm hospitality. Singing songs and tunes I have never heard before? I’ll pass. No ...

From Formalism to Fruitfulness

Eliah Massey & Brad Johnston | January 04, 2016

Agency Features /  Global Missions 

In Pakistan, “Christian” is a stamp on the passports. Christian children born to Christians in Pakistan are legally segregated at birth into the ...

A New Album of Psalms for Children

Staff | January 04, 2016

Agency Features /  Publications 

Crown & Covenant hasn’t produced a psalm recording for children since 2007, and that was a video to teach sign language. The last children’s ...

REmaker Work Conference

Mark Sampson | November 02, 2015

Agency Features /  Seminary 

When you live in an older house, there tend to be a lot of things that go wrong. When that house is a large mansion built in the late 1800s, this is ...

Flourishing at the RP Home

Rebecca King | November 02, 2015

Agency Features /  RP Home 

Late summer and fall brought an abundance of opportunities for fun and fellowship for the RP Home residents, family, employees, and friends. Though ...

What’s New from Crown & Covenant Publications?

staff | September 11, 2015

Agency Features /  Publications 

With the release of Rosaria Butterfield’s new book, Openness Unhindered, in July, the number of orders going out the front door sometimes exceeds ...

Their Joy in Giving

Trustees of Synod | September 11, 2015

Agency Features /  Finance 

Many Scriptures show the principles of giving. One that stands out is, “Each one must give as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under ...

More Than My Major

Holly Vizino and Caleb McCracken | September 09, 2015

Agency Features /  Geneva College 

When a Doylestown, Ohio, native was looking for the college that would be her best fit, she was certain about two things. She knew that she wanted to ...

Four Things God Gave Us

Garrett and Charity Mann | July 13, 2015

Agency Features /  Home Missions 

On the evening of July 27, 2004, Pastor Dave Long preached the convocation sermon at the RP International Conference. He challenged us to consider ...

A Bumpy Path to an Exact Fit

Emily Pihl | July 13, 2015

Agency Features /  Global Missions 

It started with an innocent Facebook post. “Words cannot describe how much I want to go when I see they need an English literacy teacher at Cush ...