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The Small-Church Attitude

December 01, 2011


When you talk about the makeup of the RPCNA, you have to talk about small congregations. The great majority of our congregations are small: 1-100 ...

Through Joy and Sorrow

December 01, 2011

Kids Page 

Dear Grandchildren, In November 1940, I stayed for Thanksgiving break at the McCleerys with a girl named Mary. One night, after we got ready for bed, ...

Feeling Down This Year?

Dennis J. Prutow | December 01, 2011

Learn & Live 

The Christmas and New Year holidays sometimes evoke a sense of melancholy, a deep, pensive, long-lasting sadness and depression. We may romanticize ...

Brief Notes, Dec. 2011

December 01, 2011

News /  Congregational News 

Births Johnson, Jonah Jarod, Oct. 21, to Jarod and Jessica Johnson. Joins brothers  Gage and Jacob and sisters Sierra and Ariana. (Bloomington, ...

Around the Church

December 01, 2011

News /  Congregational News /  Denominational News 

Rose Point (New Castle, Pa.) RPC Charles Brown, pastor The congregation hosted a Festival of Praise Oct. 30. Approximately 85 adults and children ...

What Does a Goal of Unity Mean?

December 01, 2011

Theme Articles /  Agency Features /  Synod 

Reformed and presbyterian council wrestles with some big questions While NAPARC isn’t a household word, that group of 12 Reformed and ...

What is a Successful Church?

December 01, 2011

In September 1540, Spanish conquistador Garcia L’opez de C’ardenas and a handful of his comrades happened upon something no other European ...

The King’s Commitments

Ian Wise | November 07, 2011

Psalm of the Month 

In the early days of his administration, the mayor of one of the United States’ largest cities made this statement: “There is no ...

Walking in All Seasons

Karen Reyburn | November 01, 2011

Theme Articles 

Karen Reyburn doesn’t just blog about her life; she blogs as she changes her life My life tends towards the sedentary. I work from home, I live in ...

Around the Church

November 01, 2011

News /  Denominational News 

Trinity RPC in Northern Ireland Welcomes Minister Trinity Reformed Presbyterian Church in Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland, was packed for the ...

Signing Up for Deep Study and Hard Work

November 01, 2011

Agency Features /  Seminary 

Poll all seniors in high school about their definition of summer fun, and spending three weeks in deep theological study and performing manual labor ...

New RP Students

November 01, 2011

Agency Features /  Seminary 

Fall is a time of change in Pennsylvania. God directs the trees to take on new hues. Some animals prepare for hibernation, while others begin long ...

Nadzia’s College Years

November 01, 2011

Kids Page 

During the first week of freshman orientation at Muskingum College, I felt very alone. Living with the McKunes had given me the naive idea that I knew ...

Jesus’ Dedication and Leadership

Kenneth G. Smith | November 01, 2011

Theme Articles /  Series 

The 13th Student Learning discipleship from Jesus’ example to the Twelve (part 3) Many years ago my wife and I were invited to see a film called ...

Christ and the Regulative Principle

Dennis J. Prutow | November 01, 2011


The second commandment centers on worship. “You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth ...

Brief Notes for Nov. 2011

November 01, 2011

News /  Congregational News 

Births Adcock, Avrielle Kaleia, Sept. 12, to Joel and Cresta Adcock. (Springs [Colorado Springs, Colo.] RPC) Hemphill, Micah Paul, Aug. 18, to Paul ...

Around the Church

November 01, 2011

News /  Congregational News /  Missions News 

Pageland RP Mission Church Ian Wise, pastor On Saturday, Oct. 8, the Pageland Reformed Presbyterian Mission Church was organized in Pageland, South ...

Joyful Hearts in a Heartland Capital

November 01, 2011

Congregation of the Month 

Location: Topeka, Kan. (pop. 130,000) Presbytery: Midwest Organization Date: Nov. 18, 1888 Membership: 74 communicant; 24 baptized Pastor: Brad ...

Sick of Facebook?

October 01, 2011


I’m not a Facebook liberal. I don’t believe that Facebook will save the world. I don’t believe you have to join the 800 million ...