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Hurdles to Psalm Singing

June 01, 2011


Within a short span of time, two books were published by different publishers, with different points, but with the very same emphasis: It’s good to ...

Newscan, Jan. 2010

June 01, 2011

News /  World News 

Muslim Extremists Attack Christians in Nigeria, Egypt, Syria Christians in the state of Plateau in Nigeria have been displaced after Muslim ...

Honoring Our Fathers and Mothers

June 01, 2011

Agency Features /  RP Home 

As a young girl, my obedience to my parents was a concerted effort to add years to my life—an easy way to ensure my days are “long on the earth” ...

God’s Providential Pursuit

June 01, 2011

Learn & Live 

A record number of tornadoes recently hit the U.S. Flooding along the Mississippi River submerged thousands of square miles. Earthquakes shattered ...

He is Coming!

Gordon J. Keddie | June 01, 2011

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm 96 Psalm Category: A Royal Psalm Central Thought: “Glory is due to Him who comes to judge the earth” (Andrew A Bonar, Christ and His ...

From Grace to Grace

June 01, 2011

Congregation of the Month 

Grace RPC Location: Gibsonia, Pa. Presbytery: Alleghenies Organized: January 2009 Membership: 67 communicant; 28 baptized Pastor: Jeff ...

Brief Notes for March/April 2013

June 01, 2011

News /  Congregational News 

Births Faris, Julia Hope, Jan. 14, to James and Elizabeth Faris. Joins sisters Ellie and Lydia and brothers Cargill, Cameron, and Caleb. Grandparents ...

Around the Church

June 01, 2011

News /  Congregational News 

Sterling, Kan., RPC One Church, Seven Colleges Sterling, Kan., RPC has seven members who are employed by Kansas colleges (left to right in photo ...

The Gospel According to Trump

May 01, 2011


If you combine net worth, influence, and je ne sais quoi, Donald Trump is one of the most powerful business figures in the world. The intrigue ...

The Rock

Gordon J. Keddie | May 01, 2011

Psalm of the Month 

Mention “the Rock” in some younger circles and the name of Dwayne Johnson, former pro-wrestler and star of action movies, may come up. Older folks ...

RPTS Announces 2011 Graduates

May 01, 2011

Agency Features /  Seminary 

The board of the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (RPTS) is pleased to announce the graduating class of 2011. “It is interesting to note ...

RPCNA Brings Important Training to East Asia

May 01, 2011

Agency Features /  Seminary /  News /  Missions News 

Johannes Geerhardus (J. G.) Vos was without question one of the most influential men in the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America in the 20th ...

Pacific Coast Holds First Youth Conference

May 01, 2011

Youth Witness 

How many young people throughout the RPCNA have a winter youth conference they can attend? Many, if not all, presbyteries have opportunities outside ...

Our Nation’s Religon

Dennis J. Prutow | May 01, 2011

Learn & Live 

Jesus Christ gives us the task of discipling the nations (Matt. 28:19). He does so because He is “King of the nations” (Rev. 15:3). He has been ...

Newscan/Comment May 2011

May 01, 2011

News /  Congregational News 

PCA Presbytery Asks General Assembly to Withdraw from NAE The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)’s Central Carolina Presbytery adopted an ...

New & Strange

May 01, 2011

Kids Page 

Memory Verse “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation.…I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” ...

Institute Trains Future Journalists

May 01, 2011


How long should we keep praying before it is time to give up? If God doesn’t seem to say yes within a year, should we change our prayer request? or ...