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Most Popular - Last Four Months

Congregation of the Month: Springs RPC

Congregation of the Month 

Location: Colorado Springs, Colo. Presbytery: Midwest Organization: 1981 Membership: 101 communicant; 56 baptized Pastor: Ed Blackwood Website: ...

Daddy Dearest

Agency Features /  Publications 

This article is an excerpt from chapter 5 of God Breathed: Connecting through Scripture to God, Others, the Natural World, and Yourself. I will never ...

Ninety Years Ago

RP History 

In the early years of the Witness, it was published weekly, and correspondents reported many small events in their congregations. Here are some news ...

Book Reviews November 2024


Empowered Witness: Politics, Culture, and the Spiritual Mission of the Church Dr. Alan D. Strange | Crossway, 2024, 149 pages, $17.99 | Reviewed by ...

The Perfect Priesthood of Christ

Series /  Encouraging Word 

As you know, life in this valley of tears can be quite discouraging. Before arriving in glory, we continue to wrestle with the world, the flesh, and ...

Genuine Hope

Youth Witness 

The St. Louis In May 1939, the German ship St. Louis carried 937 Jews fleeing Germany headed to safety in Cuba. For the two-week journey, they felt ...


Jerusalem Chamber 

Sin is not merely breaking the rules; it is a personal assault on the very character and being of God. When we speak of sin, we aren’t discussing ...

The Last Book You Need


The deck of my house is perhaps 12 feet from my neighbors’ deck. Often, when sitting on my deck or taking my dog out for a run, I’d glimpse an old ...

John Calvin on Prayer


All of us pray, and each of us considers coming before the throne of grace to be vitally important. Imagine a large group of churchgoers who did not ...


Gentle Reformation 

Introduction The book of Malachi unfolds during Israel’s postexilic era. The people have returned from Medo-Persian domination, and Nehemiah has ...

The Pain of the Fiery Trial

Oaks of Righteousness 

“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice ...

Most Popular - All-Time

Surely Mercy and Goodness Shall Follow Me

Oaks of Righteousness 

There is never a dull moment around Elaine. She tells stories, she laughs at herself, and she asks you questions that go beyond, “How was your ...

Cello and Children

RP Living 

My life is full of play. I work as a professional cellist in Pittsburgh, Pa., and my job is to play all day. But the day quickly shifts from playing ...

Blessed Are the RP Peacemakers


Three things stand out about this year’s RPCNA Synod, and they are all the same thing. Synod has a few purposes, but a basic one is serving as ...

San Diego RPC

Congregation of the Month 

Location: San Diego, Calif. Presbytery: Pacific Coast Organization: Mar. 30, 1954 Membership: 37 communicant; 18 baptized Pastor: Vacant Website: ...

The Christian and the COVID Vaccine

Theme Articles 

In the coming days, believers in all parts of the world are going to be faced with the question of whether or not to receive a vaccine against the ...

The Remarkable Mr. Liddell

Theme Articles 

Student and Champion Athlete Eric Liddell was born in China in 1902 to Scottish missionary parents. He was educated at Eltham College in Kent, a ...

Church, the Linchpin of Life

Oaks of Righteousness 

On Oct. 19, 1929, a little girl was born in Washington, Iowa. Her parents named her Ruth. Almost 95 years later, I sat down to talk with Ruth about ...

Congregation of the Month: White Lake RPC

Congregation of the Month 

Location: White Lake, N.Y. Presbytery: Atlantic Organization: 1808 Membership: 71 communicant; 23 baptized Pastor: David Coon Website: ...

A New York State of Mind


The Amtrak train from Pittsburgh ends in the middle of Manhattan (the one in New York). Then you rise one level from your train into the center of a ...

Congregation of the Month: Laramie RPC

Congregation of the Month 

The only congregation of the RPCNA in the state of Wyoming is in Laramie, a small city sprawled across a broad valley along Interstate 80 where the ...