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Congregation of the Month: White Lake RPC

  —Kim Phillips | Columns, Congregation of the Month | Issue: May/June 2024

Location: White Lake, N.Y.

Presbytery: Atlantic

Organization: 1808

Membership: 71 communicant; 23 baptized

Pastor: David Coon


Our History

We are the oldest “newer” congregation in the RPCNA! We were organized in the early 1800s. As with many other country churches, young people moved away and the elderly passed into glory. As a result, the church disorganized in the 1960s, being few in number and without a pastor. In 1978, David Coon was called as associate pastor by Coldenham-Newburgh (Walden, N.Y.) RPC to serve at White Lake, which had only 10 members at the time. The church grew and, just two years later, was reorganized. We have been so blessed by Pastor Dave’s 45+ years of devotion to the flock of God at White Lake!

In addition to our pastor, we currently have four ruling elders and four deacons. We recently installed a son of the congregation as a ruling elder. He is part of a three-generation family that has been involved and worshiping in White Lake since the 1980s.

Our Community

In addition to corporate worship, we strive to reach the community through ministries that proclaim the cause of Christ. As outreach grew, our need for additional space increased. Faith Hall became a reality in 2004 to accommodate our expanding flock. Since then, the interior walls have been transformed into beautiful murals by a member who retired from the Museum of Natural History in New York City. The facility is utilized almost daily, with weekly activities including various Bible study groups, art classes, and luncheons each Lord’s Day. There are also dinners/BBQs, family celebrations, and Scout meetings.

The outreach arm of the church, Faith Ministries, has hosted many events to embrace the community. These have included carnivals, dinners, car washes, gym and movie nights, etc. We’re currently working on a Health & Wellness Fair planned for Spring 2024. The Shepherd’s Food Pantry, an integral part of Faith Ministries, is currently serving approximately 260 households every month. Volunteers include both church members and community friends. For more on the Food Pantry, see the July/August 2019 RP Witness.

Our Family

Many people have been attracted to scenic Sullivan County over the years. As a result, we’ve been blessed with many new faces. Our church family is a mix of ethnicities and backgrounds, as well as churched and unchurched. And many members travel from other towns in New York and Pennsylvania.

Each month on the first Lord’s Day, we meet for prayer and Communion preparation before worship. Since 2020, worship has been available online.

The “youngers” meet for church school as one large group like an old-fashioned schoolhouse. They are currently memorizing psalms from the Psalter, which has convicted us “olders” to do the same.

Church activities include our annual church retreat. Our 2023 theme verse was Acts 2:42: “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” God truly blessed our retreat as bonds grew even stronger. Our weekly luncheon after worship sometimes ends up being a full day event (Ps. 133).

Small groups meet weekly on Mondays (women’s), Tuesdays, and Fridays. The men’s group meets on the second Saturday. Our monthly nursing home/psalm sing visits have been a joy for the residents.

In July, we host a chicken BBQ to aid with the cost for kids attending the White Lake Covenanter Camp. We’ve had a long association with White Lake Covenanter Camp and are thankful that we’re able to interact with brothers and sisters from other RP churches. White Lake RPC Pastor John Pritchard began the camp in 1917. A highlight each summer is not only seeing our snowbird friends, but also to worship with those attending the Kids and Teen Camp, and Family Camp. We enjoy the fellowship and what a sweet, sweet sound to the Lord when we all sing psalms in harmony. Other events include a Valentine’s Day dinner hosted by the men, an annual hayride/dinner, and a Christmas dinner and pageant.


We are thankful for how God has blessed our ministries and sustained us. We give God the glory for His work, where community is brought together as family.

Prayer Requests

  1. For individuals and families to join our church and be established on a solid Christian foundation.
  2. For an additional pastor of God’s choosing.
  3. That God blesses the efforts of our elders as they shepherd Christ’s flock.