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Not Without Prayer and Fasting

Drew Gordon | May 06, 2015


Sure, the RPCNA has a worldwide vision, but do we have a worldwide impact? Astoundingly, we do. That reach has extended in the past several ...

Persecution Is Complicated

Drew Gordon | March 06, 2015


Persecution can be hard to identify. The severe forms of it may be crystal clear, especially outside the West where some believers suffer physical ...

Son of a Country Preacher

Drew Gordon | January 05, 2015


I was raised a country boy. I lived in the manse next to a 100-year-old, mountain-stone church building. Those properties were bordered by two small ...

In Darkness, the Psalms Shine

November 05, 2014


LifeFocus is a “one-week, live-in discipleship program training high school and college students to stand confidently for Christ in a hostile ...

The World Needs a King

September 17, 2014


The nation of Iraq invades the nation of Kuwait; the world responds and restores Kuwait’s sovereignty. Nazi Germany invades Europe and North Africa; ...

East of Eden

August 01, 2014


This summer, I’ve been surprised that things have gone well with my garden. I don’t have a green thumb; I’m not well educated in horticulture; ...

Viewpoint: Kenneth G. Smith

June 21, 2014


Until the past couple of years, if you asked Reformed Presbyterians to say one word that came to mind when they thought of RP minister Ken Smith, many ...

Education Is Never Neutral (Viewpoint)

March 01, 2014


Like you, I’ve continued learning long after my formal schooling was finished. One of the things I’ve learned a lot about is education itself. ...

Believing Your Own Tweets (Viewpoint)

February 01, 2014


When I choose to waste breath on conversation, I prefer longer, one-on-one conversations to group banter about the weather, headlines, or what’s ...

The Top 10 Editorials of All Time

October 01, 2013


Though I didn’t watch this year’s Emmy Awards show, I know it was controversial. The show changed the way it memorializes TV stars and staff who ...

The Dust Bowl and the Fish Bowl

July 01, 2013


The devastating dust storms of the Dust Bowl era of U.S. history were caused, in large part, by the mechanized plowing of vast ranges of prairie grass ...

The Amazing, Shrinking RP Church

May 01, 2013


At times, summer conferences or Synod meetings seem timeless. One feels a connection with history, with previous generations. But when you read ...

How to Be a King

March 01, 2013


While at Patrick Henry College, where Reformed Presbyterian author Rosaria Butterfield was interviewed by WORLD editor Marvin Olasky with an audience ...

Fear of Failure

January 31, 2013


The secret to successful evangelism and outreach at your church is that there is no secret. We want there to be a secret, a special method, a unique ...

Lessons of Life and Death

November 01, 2012


Days before my sister Anne died of brain cancer, my wife and I visited with her in the hospice. For several months Anne had had trouble finding the ...

Beyond Family Size

September 26, 2012

Agency Features /  RP International Conference /  Viewpoint 

My three children will always be my children; but, with all three in college or beyond college, they are seldom within the shelter of the nest. My ...

Why are you a Reformed Presbyterian?

July 30, 2012


I’m so glad that, of all the religions and all the churches in the world, I grew up in the right one.” I remember thinking that in my childhood. I ...

Time for a New Plan

June 01, 2012


All ministry is local. No matter how big or broad the brush of the message, it always comes down to the Holy Spirit convicting a person’s heart and ...

View Point

April 13, 2012


For all of my adult life, I’ve worked among strong Christians with a biblical world view. We know that God has called us to work and that our work ...

The Mileposts of Life

January 01, 2012


I had never heard of the Reformed Presbyterian Church until I placed Geneva College on my list of prospective schools. In God’s providence I ...