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Not Without Prayer and Fasting


  —Drew Gordon | Columns, Viewpoint | May 06, 2015

Sure, the RPCNA has a worldwide vision, but do we have a worldwide impact? Astoundingly, we do. That reach has extended in the past several years—more congregations, more states, more countries, even “spinning off” new denominations.

What a tremendous blessing! The discerning person can easily see, though, that our numbers are tiny compared to the number of souls on our planet, and our influence comingles with myriad other influences. Nonetheless, when God does great things, we must agree. And it is God who has done them, through insignificant ones such as us. Some of the greatest advances happened without denominational planning, especially in the early stages. We have a lot to be thankful for, and a lot of reasons to humble ourselves before God.

As I was putting together this issue, I was struck and sobered by how much there is to pray about written in these pages, and how important these matters are.

Our RPCNA college, Geneva, is now searching for its next president, even as the college fights a battle for life on the national stage of mandatory health care and provisions for abortion. Pray that God would raise up a good leader for the next president; pray for Rev. William Edgar in his work as interim president; and pray for victory in Geneva’s stand for human life and God’s law. The need for RPs to support Geneva at this critical point in history is underscored in Chaplain Rut Etheridge’s article in this issue.

The RP Seminary has pointed out the great need for pastors to fill current and upcoming vacancies, as well as for new areas of ministry. Pray for the Spirit’s work in raising up men for the pastorate and men and women for missions and ministries.

RP author Rosaria Butterfield is releasing a new book this summer, a book that injects a biblical perspective into the powder-keg issue of sexual identity. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s work among those not yet converted, and among professing Christians who have been misguided by well-meaning Christian leaders who who have departed from truth in this area. Pray for boldness and protection and health for Dr. Butterfield and her family and their congregation in North Carolina.

The prayer list is long. We pray for the unity and equipping of our youth, beyond congregational bounds. We pray for the diaconal ministry going on every day in quiet ways, both in our congregations and in the RP Home. We pray for outreach to needy people, including refugees and other internationals who are in contact with our congregations or who live, work, and go to school nearby. We pray for the upcoming concurrent Synods with the RPCNA and the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, that God would be honored and that delegates would find unity in our faith and purpose.

Concerted prayer and fasting, in faith. This would be a good time for it. “Nothing will be impossible to you.”