Not Enjoying Your Youth?
Drew Gordon | September/October 2021 Issue
On Aug. 13, one teenage girl’s album surpassed another teenage girl’s album atop Ireland’s pop music charts. While that won’t register a blip ...
Drew Gordon | September/October 2021 Issue
On Aug. 13, one teenage girl’s album surpassed another teenage girl’s album atop Ireland’s pop music charts. While that won’t register a blip ...
Drew Gordon | July/August 2021 Issue
Incomparable. On the heels of a global pandemic, with some restrictions still in place and yet with the option of videoconference participation, this ...
Drew Gordon | May/June 2021 Issue
If a pastor or church leader makes the national news, it’s usually not good news. But most pastors are not like those we read about in the national ...
Drew Gordon | March/April 2021 Issue
If you’re around long enough, people assume you’ve always been there, like the woodwork. That’s true for me and the Reformed Presbyterian ...
Drew Gordon | January/February 2021 Issue
Author Margaret Atwood said, “A word plus a word plus a word is power.” Seldom has that been demonstrated more prominently than with last year’s ...
Drew Gordon | November/December 2020 Issue
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Matt. 5:9). So important is peacemaking that it is highlighted by Christ as one ...
Drew Gordon | September/October 2020 Issue
You’re Doing Great! And other reasons to stay alive was released in May, written by a comedian. I haven’t read the book, but I applaud his timing. ...
Drew Gordon | July/August 2020 Issue
We psalm singers frequently remember that “the nations’ families all will come, to worship and before Him fall” (Psalm 22E, The Book of Psalms ...
Drew Gordon | May/June 2020 Issue
In Jean-Paul Sartre’s famous play No Exit, three people gradually realize they are stuck in a room with each other for eternity. No communication ...
Drew Gordon | March/April 2020 Issue
When I was a child, I looked forward to voting as a privilege and as another sign that I was qualified as an adult. It seemed like it would be an easy ...
Drew Gordon | January/February 2020 Issue
Reformed Presbyterians know that God can transform any city, town, or nation He chooses. In past years we’ve featured stories about how concerted, ...
Drew Gordon | November/December 2019 Issue
Our society is changing much faster than it used to. Middle-aged and older adults can’t just reference their own youth and move things up a notch ...
Drew Gordon | September/October 2019 Issue
The RPCNA has been changing in some encouraging ways—perhaps most notably through congregations in new areas of the country and the world. Last ...
Drew Gordon | July/August 2019 Issue
This is not your father and mother’s RPCNA. A visitor to this year’s Synod meeting in Pennsylvania would first have noticed that the RPCNA was ...
Drew Gordon | May/June 2019 Issue
Routine. That’s what it was. Neither drudgery nor joy; this was part of my work and I was following through. That was the spirit in which I drove to ...
Drew Gordon | March/April 2019 Issue
Charles Schulz, creator of Charlie Brown and the long-running Peanuts cartoons, said, “There are three things I have learned never to discuss with ...
Drew Gordon | January/February 2019 Issue
The modern worship music movement has been driving the church down a dangerous and sinister path. I think it’s because of the move away from ...
Drew Gordon | November/December 2018 Issue
The Tree of Life synagogue is 17 blocks from my office—a quiet, beautiful stroll on tree-lined streets past parks and upper middle-class homes. It ...
Drew Gordon | September/October 2018 Issue
Identity confusion has not only damaged individuals but also the church,” said Prof. David Murray as he commended Dr. Barry York’s new book on the ...
Drew Gordon | July/August 2018 Issue
I was a bit envious of the people I knew with cell phones. The phones and the fees were frightfully expensive nearly 30 years ago, so the people I ...
Location: Elkins Park, Pa. Presbytery: Atlantic Organization: 1851 Membership: 53 communicant; 23 baptized Pastor: John Edgar Website: ...
The work of the Home Mission Board is often understood as just assisting presbyteries in the work of church planting. While this is one of the primary ...
I made my way past Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and down Chandler Street. The smell of fresh corn dogs, tamales, and beer settled with the fading ...
If you go to our website, receive a newsletter, or visit us on social media, you may have noticed the new logo for the Reformed Presbyterian ...