An Accidental Family
Jonathan and Dianne Schaefer | July/August 2018 Issue
I was raised in a Christian home. My father, John, was a physics professor at Geneva College. Mom (Lois) stayed at home with the children. My family ...
Jonathan and Dianne Schaefer | July/August 2018 Issue
I was raised in a Christian home. My father, John, was a physics professor at Geneva College. Mom (Lois) stayed at home with the children. My family ...
Eliana Roberts | May/June 2018 Issue
I was born in China in the late 1980s. My parents were secondary school teachers, and I spent my early years in their school. I grew up in a vacuum ...
Joseph Friedly | March/April 2018 Issue
I don’t have a remarkable testimony. Mine is not a story that amazes. It is, however, a story of God’s grace. And God’s grace is always amazing! ...
Patrick Mangan | January/February 2018 Issue
When I first attended Second Reformed Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis, I did so without an understanding of the theological background of the ...
Adrienne Haney | November/December 2017 Issue
I was born into a Christian home with two godly parents. They are still happily married. The Bible and church were a foundation to our household ...
Jonathan Haney | September/October 2017 Issue
I purchased a music CD the summer I was 15. My world was changed, and my life set on a direction that I never would have imagined. The CD was a ...
David McCune | July/August 2017 Issue
Editor’s note: Barb McCune’s testimony appeared in the May/June issue. I have now lived more than half of my life in the United States. My ...
Barb McCune | May/June 2017 Issue
For [death] is the end of every man, and the living takes it to heart. (Eccl. 7:2) “Mommy, am I going to die?” I asked as I lay in bed, ...
Maria Rockhill | March/April 2017 Issue
I crouched at the starting line, poised, every nerve taut. This was it. No turning back. The shimmering heat and starting gun rose slowly, silently ...
Derek Baars | January/February 2017 Issue
Everyone’s Abnormal “No one’s perfect, you know.” This is not a good excuse when you’re trying to get yourself off the hook for having done ...
Joel Hart | November 30, 2016
As I sat near the front of the Calvin College auditorium, Dave Long came to the podium to preach on Jeremiah 1. It was an evening worship service at ...
Christen Adels | September 16, 2016
When I was a child, my family took in foster children. I was exposed to the harsh realities of broken families when we took in a four-year-old boy ...
Bruce Martin | July 18, 2016
When asked where I grew up, my typical answer is “in America.” I was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., and lived in Barnet, Vt., and Oakdale, Ill., before ...
Lynn Rice | May 13, 2016
I am a 54-year-old Christian who is recovering from a life of sin, alcohol, & drug abuse. The reason I am alive today is because God has a purpose ...
Brooke Demott | March 23, 2016
Sitting on the floor of a dimly lit basement in a rented house in Buffalo, N.Y., bleary-eyed and defeated, I watched the phone as it rang. My reflexes ...
Rebekah Mastris | January 04, 2016
Where is my home? In my journey with the Lord so far, the answer to this question has not been a simple one. I have had many homes: one comfortable ...
Hao Lu | November 02, 2015
I was born and raised in China, and I was trained, as most Chinese children of the time, to be an atheist. This training successfully kept me from any ...
Phil Pockras | September 11, 2015
Tracing my family’s history for the last century and more, I was struck how Providence worked through seemingly chance things to bring a Christian ...
Jerry Foltz | September 11, 2015
The Foltz home is a place of refuge. It’s a place where those who have nowhere else to turn can come to recover, be restored, and find repentance. ...
David Vance | July 15, 2015
My father lived for five years with a severe head injury after his accident. Even after he had trouble recognizing his own children, I could say to ...
Location: Elkins Park, Pa. Presbytery: Atlantic Organization: 1851 Membership: 53 communicant; 23 baptized Pastor: John Edgar Website: ...
The work of the Home Mission Board is often understood as just assisting presbyteries in the work of church planting. While this is one of the primary ...
I made my way past Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and down Chandler Street. The smell of fresh corn dogs, tamales, and beer settled with the fading ...
The churches in which I was reared, like those of most American Protestants, never once sang a metrical psalm as part of their public worship. ...