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Psalm of the Month  Category RSS Feed

A column featuring meditations on all 150 Psalms. Began in 2002, concluded in 2019.

King Jesus

March 01, 2013

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm 110 Psalm Category: Royal Psalm Central Thought: The same Jesus who came to die for us is now reigning over all things for His glory and our ...

Songs of the Covenant: Accused

January 31, 2013

Psalm of the Month 

After he had served Northampton Church for 24 years, the congregation voted to dismiss Jonathan Edwards from his ministry among them. He had endured ...

Songs of the Covenant “Who Will Lead Me?”

November 01, 2012

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm 108 Psalm Category: Praise & Thanksgiving Central Thought: The Lord leads the Christian into spiritual warfare. It’s hard to find a ...

Give Thanks to the Lord!

Ian Wise | September 26, 2012

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm Category: Song of Thanksgiving Central Thought: The Christian has more reason to thank God than any other person on earth. Psalm 107 A ...

Merciful God

July 30, 2012

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm 106 Psalm Category: Psalm of Remembrance Central Thought: Remembering our sin and Christ’s salvation is essential to knowing present ...

Faithful God

June 01, 2012

Psalm of the Month 

Man has never been very good at keeping his word. Whether talking about business contracts, marriage, politics, or any other area of life, we see the ...

Bless the Lord for Creation!

April 13, 2012

Psalm of the Month 

Bless the Lord for Creation! A Summary of Psalm 104 Psalm Category: Hymn of Praise Central Thought: Contemplating God’s creation leads the ...

Bless the Lord for Salvation

Ian Wise | January 01, 2012

Psalm of the Month 

A well-known Christian speaker once commented on how many letters he receives in which Christians complain against God. They’re disappointed in ...

Do You Have the Time?

December 07, 2011

Psalm of the Month 

A recent World magazine article was titled, “Darker Times: Fantasy novels about bleak futures are the rage among teenage readers.” In the ...

The King’s Commitments

November 07, 2011

Psalm of the Month 

In the early days of his administration, the mayor of one of the United States’ largest cities made this statement: “There is no ...

Make a Joyful Shout!

Gordon Keddie | October 01, 2011

Psalm of the Month 

Do you remember times when you literally shouted for joy? I remember shouting for joy–and jumping up and down–with 60,000 other Scots one ...

King Indeed!

Gordon Keddie | September 01, 2011

Psalm of the Month 

A common objection to the sovereignty of God is the perennially wretched state of the world: “If God is good, why do bad things happen?” ...

Sing a New Song!

Gordon Keddie | August 01, 2011

Psalm of the Month 

The Scots Covenanter David Dickson comments that “This psalm is an exhortation…to rejoice and bless the Lord for Christ’s coming to ...

Let the Earth Rejoice!

July 01, 2011

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm 97 Psalm Category: Royal Psalm Central Thought: God and His kingdom are glorious and give joy to His people’s hearts. Years ago, I spotted ...

He is Coming!

June 01, 2011

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm 96 Psalm Category: A Royal Psalm Central Thought: “Glory is due to Him who comes to judge the earth” (Andrew A Bonar, Christ and His ...

The Rock

May 01, 2011

Psalm of the Month 

Mention “the Rock” in some younger circles and the name of Dwayne Johnson, former pro-wrestler and star of action movies, may come up. Older folks ...

Does the Lord See?

March 01, 2011

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm 94 Psalm Category: Community Song of Lament Central Thought: God is the refuge of the righteous, who are saved by His grace. The godless have ...

The Lord Reigns!

February 01, 2011

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm 93 Psalm Category: A Royal Psalm Central thought: God is in charge in our world, however bad it may look at times; and He reigns over all to ...

An Attitude of Gratitude

January 01, 2011

Psalm of the Month 

The theme of this psalm is particularly challenging when we are confronted by difficult and painful circumstances. “It is good to give thanks to the ...

Coming Home Safely

December 16, 2010

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm Category: Wisdom Psalm Central Thought: God so loves His people that He will bring them home through all their trials to enjoy His salvation in ...