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More Than My Major

Holly Vizino and Caleb McCracken | September 09, 2015

Agency Features /  Geneva College 

When a Doylestown, Ohio, native was looking for the college that would be her best fit, she was certain about two things. She knew that she wanted to ...

The Galileo Myth

Reuben Bredenhof | September 09, 2015

Theme Articles 

As we grow up, receiving instruction at home and at school, we hear many stories that are enduringly imprinted on our minds. Even years later, an ...

Wealth, Poverty, and a Big Family

Russ Pulliam | July 15, 2015

Christian Living 

Tom and Rosemarie Mangan didn’t plan any war on poverty. They just love their 10 children, who otherwise might seem statistically destined for ...

The Call of a Librarian

Rebecca Byers | July 15, 2015


He hushed people, once. While working on the second floor of the Westminster Seminary Library, he dropped some books, which made a terrible racket. ...

God’s Grace in God’s Time

David Vance | July 15, 2015


My father lived for five years with a severe head injury after his accident. Even after he had trouble recognizing his own children, I could say to ...

Four Things God Gave Us

Garrett and Charity Mann | July 13, 2015

Agency Features /  Home Missions 

On the evening of July 27, 2004, Pastor Dave Long preached the convocation sermon at the RP International Conference. He challenged us to consider ...

A Leper’s Mercy

Patrick Stefan | July 13, 2015

News /  Congregational News 

You fell to your knees, wincing as you hit the ground on your open wounds. You felt embarrassed as the surrounding crowd stared. You knew they ...

A Bumpy Path to an Exact Fit

Emily Pihl | July 13, 2015

Agency Features /  Global Missions 

It started with an innocent Facebook post. “Words cannot describe how much I want to go when I see they need an English literacy teacher at Cush ...

Zion’s Only King and Head

Phil Pockras | June 09, 2015

Devotionals /  Agency Features /  Synod 

I. Introduction The Reformed Presbyterian and the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Synods meet together today for the first time ever! We have been ...

Freud’s Great Category Mistake

Rosaria Butterfield | May 16, 2015

Reviews /  Agency Features /  Publications 

from Chapter 4 of Rosaria Butterfield’s forthcoming book 19th Century Origins and the Power of the History of Ideas The concept of sexual ...

Why We Chose the RP Home

Betty Burger | May 06, 2015

Agency Features /  RP Home 

Doctor, for years you have been encouraging me to put Peggy in a nursing home. I am beginning to think about other arrangements for her, as she is no ...

What’s Keeping You?

Jerry O'Neill | May 06, 2015

Agency Features /  Seminary 

So what’s keeping you from talking to your session about one of the most important decisions you will ever make? What’s keeping you from seeking ...

Out of the Congo

Clement Shabani | May 06, 2015


I was born in Kamituga, South Kivu Province in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in April 1965. I grew up in a family of 10 children; I was the ...

Dogma and the Family Dog

Maria Rockhill | May 06, 2015

Christian Living 

In A Comedy of Errors, William Shakes­peare portrays the frustration of parents deceived by their twin children’s deliberate identity switching. As ...

Standing Next to the Skyscraper

Rut Etheridge | May 06, 2015

Agency Features /  Geneva College 

Imagine standing right next to a skyscraper. That close up, it’s not impressive. The most interesting part may be the used chewing gum that some ...

Why Should the Work Cease?

Gordon Keddie | March 06, 2015

Theme Articles 

It is very easy, at the best of times, to become “weary in well-doing” (Gal. 6:9). Physical tiredness alone can do this, but spiritual ...

Serving Christ in a Visual World

Karen Reyburn | March 06, 2015


As a photographer and a Christian, I see things differently. When I go for a walk, I take note of how the glowing sky combines colors. When someone ...

My Comfort in Affliction

Amanda Slikker | March 06, 2015


Nine years ago I was playing rugby as a freshman at the U.S. Naval Academy. I leaned over a girl I had just tackled and she stood suddenly, driving at ...

Meet the Home Mission Board

Nathan Eshelman | March 06, 2015

Agency Features /  Home Missions 

STEVE BRADLEY grew up in Southern California and came to faith at age six through the ministry of Calvary Baptist Church.  In his early twenties, he ...