The Genesis of the Gospel
Dennis J. Prutow | January 04, 2016
Genesis has three main divisions. Genesis 1–11 begins with creation and takes us up to the time of Abraham. Genesis 12–36 zooms in on the stories ...
Dennis J. Prutow | January 04, 2016
Genesis has three main divisions. Genesis 1–11 begins with creation and takes us up to the time of Abraham. Genesis 12–36 zooms in on the stories ...
Rich Holdeman | January 04, 2016
Your body is a conglomeration of trillions of cells working to keep you alive. There are over a hundred distinct types of cells that are coordinated ...
Rebekah Mastris | January 04, 2016
Where is my home? In my journey with the Lord so far, the answer to this question has not been a simple one. I have had many homes: one comfortable ...
Venkatesh Gopalakrisnan | January 04, 2016
Venkatesh (Venky) and his wife, Sarmishta (Shammi), are members of Second Reformed Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis, Ind. They are from Bangalore, ...
Eliah Massey & Brad Johnston | January 04, 2016
In Pakistan, “Christian” is a stamp on the passports. Christian children born to Christians in Pakistan are legally segregated at birth into the ...
Kit Swartz | January 04, 2016
Psalm 127 Psalm Category: Song of Ascents Central Thought: God is the giver of every good and perfect gift Keywords: house, city, children, labor, ...
Tim Weir | January 04, 2016
When I was 10, I would play pickup tackle football for hours. Since we didn’t have linemen and I was a boy of ample proportions, I was always ...
January 04, 2016
Atlanta Presbyterian Fellowship | Frank Smith, pastor Atlanta Presbyterian Fellowship (APF) averages close to 40 in attendance at weekly worship ...
Staff | January 04, 2016
Crown & Covenant hasn’t produced a psalm recording for children since 2007, and that was a video to teach sign language. The last children’s ...
Rev. Ron Potter | December 18, 2015
The 41st annual meeting of the North American Presbyterian Reformed Council (NAPARC) was held Nov. 10-12 in Québec City, QC. This year’s meeting ...
Jordan Cravens | November 02, 2015
The fruit tempting sits The Serpent deceptive comes And the bite fatal.
Diane Gaskins | November 02, 2015
< p>Judge’s comments: Careful treatment of the biblical concept of father. Meadows of Mercy, Rest of my mind, alleys of anguish are all I can ...
Eleni Blackwood | November 02, 2015
< p>Judge’s comments: Accomplished treatment of a difficult verse form. Everyone has a father, But I’m sure the relationship is different for ...
Audrey McMahan | November 02, 2015
Judge’s Comments: Great characters, fun details, clever story! Some spots cram in too many plot points due to word count limits. Generally, though, ...
November 02, 2015
Marion RPC Location: Marion, Ind. Presbytery: Great Lakes-Gulf Organization: 2015 Pastor: Jason Camery Web site: The history of ...
Susannah Gorden | November 02, 2015
Judge’s comments: Well written, poignant, well paced. The details are nice, lovely. As a vignette, this works beautifully, although the story lover ...
Andrew Schep | November 02, 2015
Judge’s comments: Fine treatment of the biblical account. In the prosperity of words, you ask for certainty; all I’ve got is what I heard from ...
Location: Elkins Park, Pa. Presbytery: Atlantic Organization: 1851 Membership: 53 communicant; 23 baptized Pastor: John Edgar Website: ...
The work of the Home Mission Board is often understood as just assisting presbyteries in the work of church planting. While this is one of the primary ...
I made my way past Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and down Chandler Street. The smell of fresh corn dogs, tamales, and beer settled with the fading ...
If you go to our website, receive a newsletter, or visit us on social media, you may have noticed the new logo for the Reformed Presbyterian ...