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What the Reformed Presbyterian Conference Means to Me

Terrill Curran | August 26, 2016

Christian Living /  Agency Features /  RP International Conference 

My husband and I came into the Reformed Presbyterian denomination by way of the Oswego, N.Y., RPC in 1985. Since that time, we have enjoyed several ...

RP International Conference 2016

Drew Gordon | August 08, 2016

Agency Features /  RP International Conference /  News /  Denominational News 

Perhaps it was the most-recorded Reformed Presbyterian event in history. Nearly 2,000 Reformed Presbyterians with luggage and cell phones converged on ...

A Godly Heritage

Bruce Martin | July 18, 2016


When asked where I grew up, my typical answer is “in America.” I was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., and lived in Barnet, Vt., and Oakdale, Ill., before ...

Overcoming Synod’s Catch-22

Drew Gordon | July 15, 2016


If every person counts, and every vote counts, and every moment counts, that puts a lot of pressure on a group to operate at peak capacity. How does ...


Kyle Borg | July 15, 2016


Knox: The Life and Legacy of Scotland’s Controversial Reformer Trinity Digital Film 2016 | 77 minutes, $17 (buy) $7.50 (rent) The name John Knox ...

Refuge in Coastal Churches

Nathan Eshelman | July 15, 2016

Agency Features /  Home Missions 

The experience of the New Testament Church began at Pentecost when many people heard the gospel in their native tongue. As those diverse peoples left ...

Out of the Depths

Kit Swartz | July 15, 2016

Psalm of the Month 

Pilgrims coming to Jerusalem to celebrate the three great feasts (Exod. 23:14-17) would literally enact the imagery of this psalm as they came out of ...

Numbers and the Church in the Wilderness

Dennis Prutow | July 15, 2016

Learn & Live 

The Book of Numbers is broken into five sections that outline three encampments and two travelogues. In Numbers 1:1-10:10, Israel prepares for ...

Manhattan, Kan., RPC

Hannah Peterman | July 15, 2016

Congregation of the Month 

Location: Manhattan, Kan. Organization: Dec. 11, 2013 Membership: 32 communicant; 10 baptized Pastor: Jonathan Haney Website: ...

Imitating God

Rut Etheridge | July 15, 2016

Gentle Reformation 

Imagine a young boy ambling happily about his house when something startling happens, stopping him in his tracks. His eyes widen, his face contorts ...

Friends and Faithfulness Beyond Senior Year

Katrina Gazo | July 15, 2016

Youth Witness 

Now that it’s over, I can speak from experience. Senior year is weird. It is also a lot of fun: an easier school load (because you’re almost done, ...

Entrusted with Tithes and Testimonies

July 15, 2016

Agency Features /  Finance 

You might know that the Board of Trustees reviews the investment portfolio of the church, oversees the building loans and general mortgages that the ...

Don’t Waste Your… Fifth Metatarsal

David Webber | July 15, 2016

You may have heard of John Piper’s book Don’t Waste Your Life. Less known is his short booklet Don’t Waste Your Cancer, written on the eve of ...

Around the Church

July 15, 2016

News /  Congregational News 

Rose Point (New Castle, Pa.) RPC Charles Brown, pastor Nolan Curran received the NCO of the Year award and Caleb Curran the Cadet of the Year award ...

A Purpose to It All

July 15, 2016

Theme Articles 

Several years ago I shared my love of words with you in a testimony for the Witness. I’ve lived what seems like at least 8 lifetimes since ...

A Familiar Name and Perfect Timing

Heather DiBeneddeto | July 15, 2016

Theme Articles 

God put a desire in my heart to work in the mission field at a young age. Little did I know that He was calling me to a field right here in the United ...

20 Years of RP Missions

Heidi Filbert | July 15, 2016

Agency Features /  Global Missions 

I first met Matt when I was in college. My roommate was preparing for an RP Missions trip to France, and Matt and I helped her sign and stuff ...

Words from Those Who’ve Served

Heidi Filbert | July 15, 2016

Agency Features /  Global Missions 

Jonathan Haney, pastor of the Manhattan, Kan., RPC, went to Uganda in 2007. “The trip to Uganda was used by the Lord to direct me into pastoral ...

Energy and Basic Skills, at Least

Theresa Gazo | July 15, 2016

Agency Features /  Global Missions 

Theresa Gazo Bloom went on her first RP Missions trip to Phoenix, Ariz., in the winter of 2004 when she had just turned 16. She helped out on the ...

Synod Preview 2016

Drew Gordon | June 23, 2016

Agency Features /  Synod 

Daily reports from Synod will be posted on Look for play-by-play RP Synod updates on the RP Witness Facebook page and on the Reformed ...