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Graciously Accepting Hospitality

A new column on hospitality, hobbies, and honoring the Lord

  —Venkatesh Gopalakrisnan | Features, Christian Living | January 04, 2016

Venky and Shammi enjoy the hospitality of the Rao family.

Venkatesh (Venky) and his wife, Sarmishta (Shammi), are members of Second Reformed Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis, Ind. They are from Bangalore, India, and plan to return to church plant in 2016 after the completion of Venky’s seminary studies at RPTS. They are renowned for their hospitality in India and the United States. The hearts of many saints have been refreshed through their service to Christ; I trust yours will be as well through their words. —Pastor James Faris | Second (Indianapolis, Ind.) RPC

How did you discover the importance of accepting hospitality graciously?

I discovered it in a major way when I accepted Second (Indianapolis, Ind.) RPC’s offer to train me for future ministry in India. Before coming in touch with the elders of Second RP, I had plans to work in the U.S., to pursue theological education in a Reformed seminary of my choice in the U.S., and to return to India to be pastor. I wanted to chart my own future.

However, at this crucial juncture in my life, some of the elders of Second RPC took deep interest in me. They taught me about the merits of presbyterianism, the RP distinctives, and also promised to help me financially for seminary training at the RP Seminary. Quite honestly, I found their interest in me both inviting and challenging; it challenged my theological positions and my own sense of independence. However, once God persuaded me of the truth of RP distinctives and the spiritual benefit of being under the care of godly elders, I knew that accepting Second RPC’s hospitality would be the right response. So, in a way, the process of becoming RP also helped me to learn to accept hospitality graciously.

How does being an RP make a difference in how you accept hospitality?

Ever since I have been in the RP Church, I have learned much about the mediatorial dominion of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ultimately, I must look at all the hospitality that I receive from God’s people as a privilege that I enjoy because I belong to Christ’s kingdom. Yet, being an RP reminds me that I enjoy this privilege not merely for my own benefit, but to glorify my King and bless His people. I will be seeking to glorify Christ and bless God’s people (both in the U.S. and in India) by striving to be a faithful worker for Christ in India.

What has God taught you through accepting hospitality and help from strangers in different contexts? 

I have learned that there are no strangers in God’s community. I have received great care and help from people with whom I had hardly anything in common. Yet because I worship the same Lord as they do, they have gone out of their way to help me. My experience has taught me that God’s church is a precious gift. I want to seek her well being with all my heart (Psalm 122A).

Can you tell a short story about an experience when you accepted hospitality?

In summer 2015, I was asked by the RP Global Missions Board to visit two presbytery conferences in Colorado and California. I felt awkward accepting this offer because it seemed like RP Global Missions was paying me for a long family vacation. I felt that it might be more cost effective for RP Global Missions to just arrange Skype sessions during these conferences so I could remotely present on India. Yet, they insisted that I go to these conferences along with my wife. I did, graciously accepting another gesture of hospitality from the RP Church.

After I returned from these two presbytery conferences, I knew how impactful it was for my wife and me to personally attend these conferences. Not only did we present on India, but also we spent personal time with people during meals, travels, and overnight stays. The conversations that we had during these times were invaluable and have opened up great possibilities for future work in India. If I had said no to RP Global Missions’ offer to help me travel to these conferences, I believe that the work of God’s kingdom in India may have been negatively affected.

Tips for Accepting Hospitality

  • Do not turn down hospitality out of pride. Jesus Himself received hospitality from others during His earthly ministry.
  • Always abound in thanksgiving to God (privately and publicly) for the hospitality that you have enjoyed from His people.
  • Ensure that you personally thank the person (or the family) from whom you have received hospitality.
  • Seek to be accountable. If you receive hospitality for a particular purpose, inform those who have helped you how you have used their help to achieve that purpose.
  • Receive hospitality so that you may give hospitality. We want to practice greater hospitality towards others than what we have received because it is “more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).