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The Last Judgment (Confession Comments)

Wayne R. Spear | September 01, 2005

It is fitting that the Westminster Confession should conclude with a presentation of what the Scriptures teach about the end of this age, the end of ...

The Lessons of Tragedy

Gordon J. Keddie | September 01, 2005

Theme Articles 

There were present at that season some who told Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answered and ...


Drew Gordon | September 01, 2005


Throughout the horrific pummeling of Hurricane Katrina on the U.S. Gulf Coast, some everyday things continued unabated, including the birth of babies. ...

The Power of Our Pardon

August 11, 2005

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm Category: Song of Thanksgiving Central Thought: Psalm 32 reminds us that one of the glorious truths of the gospel is that we are wholly and ...

Life Through the Spirit

August 08, 2005

Kids Page 

Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have ...

Around the Church

August 08, 2005

News /  Congregational News 

Oakdale, Ill., RPC Ray Morton, pastor The Washington County Historical Society recently presented to the congregation a plaque that designates the ...

Trying to Control God

Julie Holderman | August 08, 2005


Before God saved me, I was an arrogant, self-reliant woman. I had grown up believing I could do anything I wanted to do, and so I set out to do it. My ...

What Happens After People Die

Wayne R. Spear | August 08, 2005

It is appropriate that the Confession of Faith should conclude with two chapters about the “last things,” the events and experiences that lie in ...

What Happens After People Die

Wayne R. Spear | August 08, 2005

It is appropriate that the Confession of Faith should conclude with two chapters about the “last things,” the events and experiences that lie in ...

Cain and the Grain

Dennis J. Prutow | August 08, 2005

Learn & Live 

The sacrifices and offerings in the Old Testament actually pointed toward Christ and His work on behalf of sinners, as we began to discuss last ...

What I Wish I’d Known

Russ Pulliam | August 08, 2005


Asked to speak at a graduation ceremony this year, I tried to think about what I wish I had known when I was finishing high school. Since there can be ...

Marching As To War

Gordon J. Keddie | August 08, 2005

Theme Articles 

Sam Boyle, the late, great RP missionary to China and Japan, told me a story about a visitor to the Midwest. The visitor asked his host about the ...

News to Synod from the RPCNA’s Seven Presbyteries

August 08, 2005

Theme Articles /  News /  Congregational News 

Alleghenies Merger between the Geneva and First Beaver Falls congregations 2 new RP mission works—Purcelville, Va., and Gibsonia, Pa. Eastvale is ...

Transition and Affirmation

August 08, 2005

Theme Articles 

Major transitions at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary drew significant attention during the 2005 Synod of the RPCNA. This short Synod ...

Taking Christ to the World in Oklahoma

August 08, 2005

Congregation of the Month 

Stillwater RP Church Location: Stillwater, Okla. Presbytery: Midwest Organization Date: July 24, 1991 Membership: 53 communicant, ...

Failure or Victory?

Drew Gordon | August 08, 2005


When the result of the decision on congregational officers was announced at the 2005 Synod, there had to be some shaking of heads. When a denomination ...


August 01, 2005

News /  World News 

Deaths of Women Who Used Abortion Pill Spur Investigation Four deaths associated with the use of a controversial abortion pill have medical ...

Stress and Surrender

July 11, 2005

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm Category: Psalm of Lament Central Thought: Psalm 31 teaches us that, instead of running from our problems, or devising our own way out of them, ...

No Diving

July 05, 2005

Kids Page 

Sometimes it seems like we are surrounded by rules: “No diving,” “No running in the house,” “No jumping on your bed.” While we don’t ...