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Almonte RPC Prepares to Mark Its 175th Anniversary

Kevin and Carol Shaw | June 01, 2005

News /  Congregational News 

You are invited to join the Almonte, Ont., RPC as we celebrate our 175th anniversary on Oct. 7-9. A weekend of preaching, singing, historical facts, ...

Church Censures

Wayne R. Spear | June 01, 2005

The Westminster Confession may be roughly divided into three sections. The first 8 chapters deal with God and with His objective works of creation, ...

Proving Your Faith

Dennis J. Prutow | June 01, 2005

Learn & Live 

When Paul speaks of the wilderness experience of the people of Israel, he says, “These things happened to them as an example, and they were written ...

A Shelter of Truth

Russ Pulliam | June 01, 2005


Though he died more than 20 years ago, Francis Schaeffer is still having a big influence for Christ’s kingdom on earth. Several hundred ...

Losing Everything, Finding Life

Christopher Bogosh | June 01, 2005


My story begins in a typical, blue-collar home with two well-meaning parents, two brothers, and three sisters. Our home was not a Christian home, and ...

Glasgow Revisited

June 01, 2005

Theme Articles 

Sometimes eyes glaze over as kids listen to a story from our past. This can be deflating for us, the storytellers. We want our stories to pique their ...

Lynchburg, Va., RP Fellowship

June 01, 2005

Congregation of the Month 

Lynchburg RP Fellowship Location: Lynchburg, Va. Presbytery: Great Lakes-Gulf Organization Date: March 2003 Membership: 15 Pastor: Greg ...

Discovering Evangelicals

Drew Gordon | June 01, 2005


Was it a little thing like an election-day exit poll that propelled the sidelined and caricatured American evangelical onto center stage? Evangelicals ...

Behold the King!

May 15, 2005

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm Category: Hymn of Praise Central Thought: Psalm 29 reveals the glory of our God through the powerful imagery of a theophanic storm. Key Word: ...

God’s Promise to Noah

May 15, 2005

Kids Page 

“The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the ...


Drew Gordon | May 01, 2005


The work of God through the life of Prof. Willard McMillan (1924–2005) had so many facets that it will be difficult to chronicle them. A ...

Two Men for the Times

Jerry O'Neill | May 01, 2005

Agency Features /  Seminary 

In the fall of 1970, I was a private in the United States Army in advanced infantry training at Fort Ord, Calif. My life was consumed with preparation ...

The Lord’s Supper (Confession Comments)

Wayne R. Spear | May 01, 2005

The observance of the Lord’s supper has always been an important part of Christian worship. The supper was instituted by Christ Himself, on the eve ...

Salt & Light RPC

May 01, 2005

Congregation of the Month 

Location: Longmont, Colorado Presbytery: Midwest Organization Date: Dec. 2, 2003 Membership: 53 (44 communicant, 9 baptized) Pastor: Marty Wilsey ...

Lessons Through Pain and Weakness

Katie Long | May 01, 2005


I just want to be normal,” I whispered to a friend, tears streaming down my face, as we walked down the long hall of Methodist Hospital. This was ...

Learning About the M in My WMF

Patricia Boyle | May 01, 2005

Agency Features 

The RP International Conference last summer provided me with a veritable banquet of food to nourish my faith and spiritual life. One of the many ...

Learning about the Covenanters

Noah Bailey | May 01, 2005

When I speak of my three-month journey to Scotland, I sometimes catch my­­self referring to the trip as “going home.” Although I had never been ...

Concerned for People As a Way of Life

Russ Pulliam | May 01, 2005


One of the great blessings of being a Reformed Presbyterian has been the pleasure of knowing Rich Ganz. He’s probably best known in our circles as a ...

Comparing Old and New Testaments

Dennis J. Prutow | May 01, 2005

Learn & Live 

In connecting the dots between the Old and New Testaments, we’ve seen that Scripture sometimes makes formal comparisons using similes. Old Testament ...