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Taking Christ to the World in Oklahoma

Congregation of the Month: Stillwater RPC

   | Columns, Congregation of the Month | August 08, 2005

Vacation Bible school “workers” at Stillwater RPC

Stillwater RP Church

Location: Stillwater, Okla.

Presbytery: Midwest

Organization Date: July 24, 1991

Membership: 53 communicant, 30 baptized

Pastor: Bruce Parnell

Web Site: (free audio incl. sermons & classes)


The purpose of the Stillwater RPC is to proclaim hope in a world of hopelessness through the good news of God’s love, healing, strength, direction, and blessing found in Jesus Christ. From the beginning, this purpose has been worked out in three major ways: first, through the faithful proclamation of the gospel; second, in worship that is biblically- based and joyful; and third, by applying Christ’s rule over all areas of life.


The church began in 1985 when Alan and Liz Noell moved to Oklahoma in order for Alan to take a position in mathematics at Oklahoma State University. With the encouragement and oversight of the Midwest Presbytery, the Noells began a Bible study in their home with a view toward planting a Reformed Presbyterian church. Over the next four years, God slowly brought together a core group of families committed to working toward establishing a church. That core group included not only the Noells (Alan now serves as an elder), but also the McCulloughs (who now serve in full-time mission work), and the Spitlers (Jeff now serves as an elder). In the fall of 1989, the presbytery decided to search for and make out a call for a pastor to serve. In the spring of 1990, presbytery called and installed Bruce Parnell as a church planter.


The church has always had a keen interest in missions. With almost 2,000 international students at Oklahoma State University (including many Muslims), the church has been involved in various ministries to them.

“We like to say that the world comes to Stillwater,” Pastor Bruce Parnell said. Means of outreach have included teaching English and sewing skills, leading Bible studies, and opening homes for meals together. In their short history, the congregation has rejoiced to see the Lord working through them with international students, professors, and families from China, Ghana, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Russia, Sudan, and Venezuela.

Another crucial aspect of the work in Stillwater has been prayer. The congregation has seen again and again how important it is to seek God in prayer. Reliance on human ability is futile; blessed is the one who relies on the Lord! It is God who gives the growth, whether spiritual or numerical, according to His perfect will and His schedule.

Prayer Requests

Pray for the first fruits of the gospel as the church reaches out to neighbors and international students.

Pray for the discipleship of the young people in the congregation that they might grow to be sturdy pillars and palace cornerstones in the Kingdom.

Pray for outreach and Bible study taking place in Enid, Okla., with a view toward daughtering a congregation there. Enid is about one hour away from Stillwater and is the home of Vance Air Force Base.