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Broomall RPC

Joe Comanda, Bill Edgar, Julia Mann, and Mandy Werts | March/April 2020 Issue

Congregation of the Month 

If you come to Broomall on the Lord’s Day, you’ll find a lot going on. We start at 9:45 a.m. with Sabbath school, followed by morning worship at ...

Christ-Centered Voting

Shawn Anderson, Bruce Backensto, Brad Johnston, Mark Koller, Adam Kuehner, and Scott Wilkinson | March/April 2020 Issue

Theme Articles 

At the 188th Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, held at Geneva College, on June 11–14, 2019, this voting guide was put ...

A Strategic Advantage

Caleb McCracken | March/April 2020 Issue

Agency Features /  Geneva College 

“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps” (Prov. 16:9). Do you have a plan for the next few years? Geneva College ...

Flaws of Socialism

Henry Mauser | March/April 2020 Issue

Youth Witness 

In the past decade, the idea of democratic socialism has become increasingly common in American politics and among the American public. According to a ...

Book Reviews

March/April 2020 Issue


In the first chapter of his debut book, Rut Etheridge III begins with an intriguing interaction between ideas from cultural icons such as Bob Dylan ...

Wisdom That Is Gentle

James Faris | March/April 2020 Issue

Gentle Reformation 

My grandfather Paul Faris (1916–2010) was ordained a Reformed Presbyterian pastor in 1944. He and young peers were troubled by the rancorous tone of ...

RPCNA Synod Paper on Pandemic Flu

March 12, 2020

From 2008 Minutes of Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America Jon Adams presented the report of the committee to address issues ...