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Around the Church March 2020

Rose Point (New Castle, Pa.) RPC

Charles Brown, pastor

John Mitchell and George Jackson (Broomall, Pa., RPC) participated in a cruise along the coast of Norway the last two weeks of June. Erica and Adam Zajac rode their bicycles in the 500-mile RAGBRAI (Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa) in late July.

About 50 church members and friends attended the 16th annual church picnic held at the John Mitchell farm on Aug. 16. A highlight of the event was the hayride on a trailer pulled by an antique Farmall tractor owned and driven by David Reed.

Dora Brown finished second in her age group in a 5K race held at the Lawrence County Fair. Her sister, Annie, and father, Charles, also participated. James and Klara Edmonds ran in races recently sponsored by the Grove City Athletic Club, and Nolan Curran qualified for the state cross country meet in Hershey.

Rose Point Savvy Saturdays began Jan. 18. The first meeting focused on knitting.

Kara Swansiger is participating in the cast of Mary Poppins at the Columbiana Community Theater. She is also involved in her high school choir.

The congregation donated 95 items to the City Rescue Mission in New Castle for Thanksgiving food baskets. This amount is about double what was donated two years ago.

Dr. Risa Hanninen spoke at a Llama Association conference recently.

Mary Donaldson is recovering nicely after taking a fall and breaking her hip after a long day working a recent election.

—Ralph Joseph, correspondent