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God’s Will in Kokomo

  —Lynne H. Gordon | Columns, Viewpoint | December 08, 2005

How God gave Sycamore (Kokomo, Ind.) RP Church its building is an amazing story, according to Miriam York, wife of Pastor Barry York. That’s why it is hard to understand how it could be His will to have it taken away.

About seven years ago, the members of Sycamore were worshiping in a YWCA in the downtown. They prayed for a building that would increase their ministry and provide better facilities for worship and education. God answered their prayers with a historic church building that, Miriam marvels, already had its pipe organ removed. It is not far from the YWCA. It is also next door to the public library.

Even though the library never asked the church if it is willing to sell its building, the library board is apparently pursuing an eminent domain avenue for taking the property and using it as a parking lot in their new library expansion.

By the time this magazine is in your mailbox, more will have been decided. While Sycamore has legal representation from the Alliance Defense Fund, it is trying to pursue non-legal means to resolve this conflict. It has purposely kept the story, for instance, from the local media, and has set up meetings with the library board and its representatives.

At the time of this writing, if you go to—the web site for the local public library in Kokomo—you can find an aerial view of what the Sycamore Church would look like if it was a parking lot (“Aerial View of Possible Site Tribune/Lot East Site [Site F]”).

Despite the heavy burden that this situation has put on Sycamore, God has already brought good from it. For instance, the congregation has been able to express their commitment to ministering in the downtown area, including in a Dec. 9 letter to the library. Writes Pastor York, “The location of our building…allows us to fulfill our vision to minster to the downtown area and to show care for the poor (which we have been doing for many years now).”

Sycamore has a unique location near the Kokomo Rescue Mission and a government housing complex, where the congregation has a significant ministry. There have been several individuals from these places that have worshiped with the church, as they are within walking distance. Some from the congregation are involved in the mission, which provides temporary housing, meals, and clothing to men in need.

Regardless of the outcome of this situation, God is in control. “We’re trusting Him on that,” says Miriam.

We pray with Sycamore for the continuation of their ministry in downtown Kokomo. In doing so, we are called to look at our own congregations’ locations and the ministries God has called us to do there. Are we being faithful with what we have been given? Are we thankful for our facilities and the way they can be used? Are we using our facilities and location to their fullest potential?

Whatever the outcome in Kokomo, the Sycamore congregation will have a deeper understanding of their calling, and a deeper conviction to persevere in that calling.