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SonRise Party 2001

  —Shannon Elder and David Blackwood | Columns, Youth Witness | July 11, 2001

Once a year, the Great Lakes-Gulf Presbytery hosts an overnight party. “The SonRise Party” is usually held in March or April. This year’s event was held Apr. 27-28 in Lafayette, Ind. One of the main purposes of the SonRise Party is for believing teens to invite their unbelieving friends to experience Christian fellowship and hear the gospel.

We stayed in a very nice church building that has a gym and recreation tables. Everyone arrives around eight o’clock in the evening and leaves about eight o’clock in the morning. This is a great time of fellowship and learning for everyone, and there is always plenty of time to have those deep heart-to-heart conversations (since almost everyone stays up all night!).

—Youth Beat editors

This was the third or fourth SonRise Party I have attended. The speaker this year was Mr. Gary Secrest, the deputy attorney general for the state of Indiana. Mr. Secrest attends the Second Reformed Presbyterian Church on the Northsicle of Indianapolis. I remember Mr. Secrest’s talk more than any other we have had. I don’t know if it was because we had him speak earlier than other times, or if what he said was just really good and it stuck with me!

Mr. Secrest shared the gospel and told how he has been able to minister through his job. Part of his job includes dealing with criminals that are on death row. He shared his testimony with us, and told us about what his job calls him to do, the trials he has endured, and trials he still experiences. One of the things I learned that night is that I shouldn’t take my faith for granted, but instead, I should be happy and thank God for the wonderful, godly parents I have and for the position in which He has put me.

I encourage those of you that have never gone to the SonRise Party to go next year, and those who have gone before to continue going. (And those of you in other presbyteries might want to start one.)

  • —Shannon Elder*

The SonRise Party not only has a good speaker, but also all-night games. There is a special event in the middle of the night. This year when our speaker finished his message, we went straight to our favorite game— basketball (at least the favorite for some of us!). People played basketball until around 12:30 am., and then we all climbed into many different vans for a short ride across town to go roller-skat ing. We skated until 3 am., then went back to the church. Everyone spent the rest of the night playing basketball, board games, and volleyball. There were also a few who just ended up falling asleep.

Around 6:30 am., everyone met in a central area, where we listened (as attentively as possible) to Bail Saunders share a devotional with us, and then we ate breakfast. When we were finished, everyone pitched in to clean up, and then we all headed home, ready to sleep for the rest of the day.

—David Blackwood