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Covenanter ministers and individuals, some from New Brunswick and Vermont, are known to have made occasional incursions into Quebec to spread the gospel or for other personal reasons, mainly after 1820-1830. Some of this interesting but little-known Covenanter history remains to be writ ten. Despite the brave efforts of these forebears, no organized Reformed Presbyterian (Covenanter) congregation survived in Quebec. However, instead of being consigned to a mere footnote of history, we rejoice to report that Re formed Presbyterians are again writing history in Quebec.
In August 1992 Philip and Hélëne Choinière-Shields moved to Montreal with a deep desire to see Reformed Presbyterian churches planted in Quebec. They initially met on the Lord’s Day with Jurgen and Tamar Dodenhoff, and they were visited once a month by RP pastor Christian Adjemian for a short time until his wife fell seriously ill. In 1994 the two families began attending Lochiel RPC, a small rural congregation begun in 1846 by Scots Covenanters close to the Ontario- Quebec border.
In 1995 prayer meetings were held at the Dodenhoff home in St.-Lazare, Que bec. On Feb. 7, 1996 the annual congre gational meeting was held in St. -Lazare for the first time in the Lochiel congregation’s 150-year history. During September 1997 a leaflet introducing the Reformed Presbyterian Church was dis tributed to every home in St.—Lazare, a fast-growing town of about 13,000 people that is located just below Highway 40 and west off the island of Montreal. On Nov. 31, 1997, the first congregational Reformation Day event was held in the town, highlighting the message of the Reformation and the Reformers who spearheaded it.
On Nov. 15, 1997, an important con gregational meeting had taken place at the Dodenhoff home in St.-Lazare to consider how to advance the church’s witness in the eastern Ontario—south western Quebec area. Pastor Wade Mann, (moderator of Lochiet, Ont., RPC and pastor of Lisbon, N.Y., RPC), Elder Brian Brodie, and retired pastor Rev. John McMillan (temporarily residing in St. Lazare) attended along with all the mem bers of the congregation.
At this meeting, the congregation decided in faith to center its work in St. Lazare. With this dramatic move and a subsequent change of name, Hudson/ St.-Lazare RPC became the first present-day PP congregation to be established in Quebec.
A lot more firsts were to follow. On Dec. 14, 1997 the first-ever Sabbath Day morning worship service took place, and on Apr. 5 the first-ever communion service. July 13-17 the congregation held the first-ever Children’s Bible Club (CBC) in St.-Lazare. The theme chosen for this 5-clay event was ‘Voyage through the Bible.”
Encouragingly, visitors began to find and attend the church. Quickly outgrow ing the rented daycare building on Ste Angelique in St.-Lazare, the congregation moved on Oct. 1, 199$, to the Anglican-owned Parish Hall in Hudson, a nearby town of around 9,000 people.
In 2000, Hudson/St.-Lazare RPC invited Courtney Miller, along with his wife Barbara and their five children, for a 3- month summer internship in Quebec. Surprised by this invitation, they accepted, to the great delight of the entire congregation. A house was rented on Main Road in Hudson, conveniently close to the ball where the church meets. A very successful Childrens Bible Club (CBC) on the theme “David the King— Jesus the King of Kings” involved over 60 children and many of their parents. Warm relationships were built with the mem bers of the congregation and contacts made with others outside it. After an emotional farewell, the Millers returned to Philadelphia, Pa., at the end of the summer to allow Courtney to finish his studies at Westminster Seminary.
On Nov. 28, 2000, a congregational meeting called by the session took place in Hudson about extending a call to Courtney Miller to be the pastor of Hudson/St.-Lazare RPC. The result of an election conducted among the members was a unanimous call.
May 13, 2001 was a landmark clay of rejoicing in the life of the congregation. Two young adults from an attending family living in nearby Rigaud, Quebec, James and Reuben Lindeman, became communicant members. Nicola Frattaroli (a married lady from the West lsland with four but soon to be five children) as well as Bill and Paula Brand (a married couple in Montreal with three young children) were also received as communicant members of the church. Nicola’s four children (Stephen, David, James and Elisa) and the Brand’s three children (Austen, Quinn, and Chloe) were baptized on that day by Pastor Wade Mann. A communion service followed.
Meanwhile, sensing that God was lead ing him back to Quebec, Courtney accepted the call extended to him by Hudson /St.-Lazare RPC. After filing a lot of paperwork for immigration and going house-hunting, Courtney finally moved with his family to their new home in St. Lazare on May 30.
Hudson/St.-Lazare RPC is now a vi brant. united community of some 19 adults and over 30 children (from adolescent to unborn) for which we give great praise and thanks to God. At this writing, preparations were preparations for this year’s Children’s Bible Club (CBC) on the theme “To Creation and Beyond” to he held on Aug. 6-10. Pray that God would bless the follow-up of the children and their parents.
On Aug. 17 Courtney Miller is to be officially ordained and installed as the pastor of Hudson/St.-Lazare RPC by the St. Lawrence Presbyteiy of the RPCNA in Hudson, Quebec. Ask God to give him wisdom and great encouragement as he and his family adjust to their new home and life in St.-Lazare and to the distinct culture of Quebec. The prayer of all involved with the life of Hudson/St. Lazare RPC is that Christ’s kingdom will he extended through its work and wit ness. May His name be glorified and His will be done!