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Being Transformed

Second Place in Creative Writing in the RP Witness Creative Arts Contest

  —Alanna Flowers | | Issue: July/August 2022

My church is a place that has shaped me in many ways. I have been attending our current church for just over three years. In that time, I have been learning many things, including patience, helpfulness, how to be friendly, and most importantly, more about God and the Bible.

Our church services are followed by a fellowship meal. We have a fellowship meal every Sunday. I like having a fellowship meal each Sunday because it gives us lots of time to talk and play with our church family. Often we have a catechism class after the fellowship meal. This is taught by our pastor, who goes deep into the catechism and what the questions are about. On the fourth and sometimes fifth Sunday of the month, we have an evening worship service. On those Sundays we are usually invited over to someone’s house for the afternoon between the services. Our church is rather far from our house. I am glad when we are invited over, because we would not easily be able to come back for evening worship otherwise.

The people at my church have been helpful and encouraging to me since I have known them. One of them, Mrs. McCune, is an artist, and has given group art lessons to several of us children. One time she brought donuts, and told us that after we had drawn the donuts, we could eat them. For some reason, that was one of the quickest art lessons ever.

I have also learned how to help clean up and help out at church. There are many ways to help out at our church. You can help prepare dishes for the fellowship meal, you can clean up the nursery, you can look after small children while parents talk or do other stuff. You can also have fun while you do it, as I have found out!

Last but not least, I need to mention the sermons. Our pastor likes to prepare several sermons that follow a pattern. He did one series about things God delights in, and another about things a Christian should delight in. He also preached a series that grammarians might especially like about how the Bible uses prepositions to show the many ways in which we can understand our relationship to Christ, such as in Christ, through Christ, for Christ, with Christ, etc. The sermons have really helped me understand more about my relationship to Christ.

In short, church is a great place to be. It has quickly become one of my favorite places. As I have said, it has taught me a lot, and I have made many friends there. Romans 12:2 says, “Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” I hope the Lord will continue to shape and transform me through the teaching and fellowship at church to be more like Him.