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Around the Church May 2020

   | News, Congregational News | Issue: May/June 2020

Andy McCracken's installation. Photo courtesy of Josh Feldman


Some younger Topeka, Kan., RPC members marched recently with hundreds in Topeka supporting the Right to Life and Both Lives Matter. Photos submitted by Georgia and Robert McFarland.


Andy McCracken was installed as pastor of the Frankston, Australia, RPC on Mar. 29. Some of the McCracken family joined the livestream service (at 2 a.m. local time!): Andy’s parents Bob and Lynn McCracken and his sons Joel (third screen, top row) and Caleb (second, fourth row). Pastor Graeme Hart (McKinnon, Australia, RPC) preached the sermon (fourth, top row), and Josh Feldman, clerk of presbytery, gave the narrative and Andy’s call (first, top row). Pastor Andy with wife, Susan, and children Amanda and Luke are pictured in the fourth screen, second row.

Orlando, Fla., RPC

H.P. McCracken, pastor

Four young people from the congregation—Jayna Bailey, Tava Goerner, Bashia Korten, and Joel Schaefer—declared their personal faith in the Lord before the church elders, asking to be added to the membership rolls. They attended membership classes, and on Sunday, Feb. 16, they were officially welcomed into the fellowship of the Orlando RPC. One of them, Bashia Korten, also received the sacrament of baptism.

A well-prepared group of eager and efficient men and women from the congregation gathered together on Feb. 22 at the Turmenne residence to rebuild their elevated back deck and stairs.

Pastor John McFarland visited the Orlando RPC on Mar. 8 and gave an update on the Lord’s work in East Asia during the Sabbath school hour. Later he joined the congregation in their celebration of the Lord’s supper.

—Louise Turmenne, correspondent